Chapter Twenty

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JJ stayed in the house for what seemed like hours, but when I looked at the clock it had only been seven minutes. My anxiety levels were rising and it didn't help that Skin wouldn't stop bouncing his leg, a nervous tick I've noticed he has.

"Skin?" I spoke, attempting to make conversation so I wouldn't feel so terrible.

He doesn't turn around, much to my disappointment, so I turned my head back towards Jessica's house and watch her front door. After a couple more minutes the door opens, but it isn't JJ or Jessica who comes out, instead it is Anna followed by Albert. Before I could even think of what to do Skin jumped out of the truck and stormed towards the two, I quickly followed.

"You stupid bitch!" He shouted while walking up to Anna, but it was Albert who looked at him.

She turned around eventually and faced us. She looked up at Skin with a flirtatious smile, "Well hello Sonny, you're looking as hot as ever, how are you today." It didn't even look like she could tell that Skin was angry.

"Do you know how long it took us to get her off that shit?! She nearly died last time and here you are pushing it back into her life." He spat, it was like I could see the anger seeping out of his skin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." She said, still with her eyes scanning Skin's body, looking at him hungrily.

The front door opened once again, this time JJ and Jessica emerged, Jessica looking like she was strung out on something and JJ fuming, "Get your ass back here Muse, I'm not fucking playing with you anymore!" JJ yelled as Jessica made her way to Anna.

"Fuck you, Jaya." Muse said nonchalantly.

Anna threw her arm over Jessica's shoulders and the two started walking away, that was till Jessica's eyes landed on me.

"The fuck is she doing here?" Jessica questioned, turning back to JJ and Skin, who both stood there looking like they were ready to punch Jessica. I think Skin respects women more enough to not lay a hand on them, but I couldn't say the same for JJ. She looked ravenous, but she wasn't quite looking at Jessica, more through her at the girl behind her, Anna.

"She's with us." Skin said with a stone cold look on his face as he grab my arm, not hard, and pulled me towards him.

Jessica made a disgusted look when she seen Skin's hand on my arm, she then put a smile on her face, "So are you just trying to fuck all my friends?"

Um, ouch? I chose to ignore her question because she was obviously not in her right mind so instead I scanned the area, getting anxious with the conversation that started up between Jessica and JJ again. I looked around until my eyes landed on another body in the doorway, Cynthia.

Cynthia stood there, looking slightly less sick from the last time I seen her. She was still thin, but her skin wasn't as pale and her eyes seemed brighter and not so hollowed in. Her hair laid sloppily on too of her hand in a bun and she was dressed in an oversized long sleeved shirt that came down to her knees.

I stared at the other girl, not really able to pull my eyes away from her as she watched the scene in front of her, until our eyes locked.

She had a pleading look on her face that I didn't understand. That's when I noticed that JJ and Jessica were inches away from each other's faces, screaming at the other.

Skin had JJ's arms in his hands, trying to pull the girl away from Jessica, but JJ was fighting so hard against him that it looked like he was struggling. I started to become worried because Skin isn't a small guy and he looked like he was really fighting to keep JJ back.

"You're fucking selfish!" JJ screamed, "Does Aurora know?!"

"Fuck you, Jaya!" Jessica screamed back.

Their screams continued, no one but them able to really keep up with the conversation. It was a lot of cursing mixed with insults towards each other and the way they lived... until JJ said something that no only confused me, but actually ending the argument completely.

"Jean would be fucking disgusted with you!"

Then silence

It was terrifying because not only did the argument stop, but it was like the world stopped. The wind stopped blowing, the birds were no longer squawking, and it seemed like cars were no longer passing. Skin's hands slowly left JJ's arms. Albert's body stiffened where he stood, Anna's face went flat and Cynthia's eyes went wide and her hand covered her mouth. I, of course, stood there looking really confused because I didn't know what was going on.

Jessica's face was completely flushed, it was like her eyes became more red and filled with water at JJ's words. It seemed like no one knew what to do after that sentence so they did nothing.

"Oh, so that got your attention," JJ spoke, breaking the dreadful silence, "well you know I'm right. You know she told me that's why she did it? Because she knew that even if you stopped being a fucking idiot you would only listen to her for so long and then go back to doing it anyway. You're fucking stupid. It's your fucking fault, Jessica!" JJ spat, the anger seemed like it was growing the more she spoke.

"Jay," Skin tried to pull JJ away again when she was in the middle of saying all this, but she just yanked her arm out of his grip and walked to Anna, "And you bitch, I'll slit your fucking throat if you don't leave. NOW." She said to the shocked girl through gritted teeth.

Anna actually looked frightened, hell I was frightened and JJ wasn't even mad at me, but it seemed to get the point across to Anna because she quickly turned away and left, jumping into a very nice car and speeding out of the driveway and through the gate.

Then it just left the six of us: Jessica, Albert, Cynthia, JJ, Skin, and I. I thought everything was over with, I thought that the arguments were done and the drama was finished. Anna left, there was no more screaming, but the next sound that made its way to my ears hurt worse than anything else.

Jessica screamed and collapsed into a pool of tears. Albert and Cynthia quickly went to her and grabbed her, pulling her up and taking her back to the house.

"Babe," Skin said, "why would you fucking say that."

JJ watched the two take Jessica into the house and close the door. She had no expression on her face as her eyes stared at the house or when she finally turned around to answer Skin's question.

"Because, it is her fault."

A/N: That's it my lovelies!!!! Thanks for reading this book, I loved writing it and had fun with it and I'm so sorry that it took me so long to actually finish it. And yeah I know, there are a LOT of questions still unanswered but... *drum roll* THERE WILL BE A SECOND BOOK!! I will also try to be better at updating because I know I sucked with this one. But anyway, thanks again for reading this book. I love you all!! And don't forget to vote, comment, share!!! Till next time!

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