Chapter Fifteen

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Who doesn't love Christmas? Me. That's who. I have no problem with the holiday, we usually go to my grandparent's house for a Christmas dinner and then we come back home to give each other our presents. I told my dad that I didn't need anything this year because he was paying for my trip to California and he understood. I had told him that the trip was paid off but he also wanted me to have a little spending money. Not much, just enough for a couple of souvenirs.

Since it was close to Christmas we were out for break. It's a good thing too because the roads are covered in snow from a horrific snow storm. I love snow but I hate the cold. It doesn't really make sense but I guess that's just me.

Ren and I went Christmas shopping. I got my dad a fancy flashlight and a new taser for work. It wasn't much but it's all I could get right now. I also got Ren some clothes that weren't too expensive. She loved them and I was happy about it. I got Eric a new watch. Even when we were together we would make our presents to each other jokes. One year I got him a belt because he went through a sagging phase and I got tired of pulling up his pants for him. This year the joke surrounds him always being late to English class.

Elizabeth, JJ, and Sonny were next. I got Elizabeth a lipstick kit that had all sorts of dark colors that I was hoping she'd like. It took me a while to find something for JJ, not because she was difficult to buy for but because I just couldn't think of anything she'd like. I did know that she had about a million piercings so I bought her all different types. From industrial, to lip rings and some plugs and tunnels. I was really hoping that I had gotten the right size for them all. Sonny was pretty easy. I decided to get him a leather jacket that I had found really cheap. It was on the clearance rack but I'm not going to tell him that. And I got Hansley a bath set because with her being a mother, I know she needs it.

My dad and I were leaving on the 23rd so my friends and I decided to meet up on the 20th. We all went to Eric's house. His parents weren't there to give me the death stare because they left for a cruise. Eric was suppose to go but he convinced then to let him stay home.

We all gathered in his living room in front of his fire place. I had tried to convince him not to light it and just use the central heating but he wanted to have the 'Christmas' feeling.

JJ and Sonny were cuddled on the couch and Ren was flicking popcorn at Eric. Eric was glaring at her and he kept saying that the carpet needed to be kept clean or his mother was going to kill him. I honestly wouldn't doubt it.

Elizabeth was laying on the floor with her head on my legs. Surprisingly it wasn't awkward between her and Eric. They didn't ignore each other but they didn't really talk to each other either. I made everyone get presents for everyone so no one would be left out. I had to help out Sonny, JJ, Elizabeth with Ren, Eric, and Hansley and vice versa but in the end it all worked out.

Eric kept trying to peek at his presents and Ren kept smacking his hand away.

"You could be polite and wait for your sister." Ren said slapping his hand once again.

Eric let out a long sigh and threw himself on the ground like a child, "But she's taking forever."

I rolled my eyes, "We aren't suppose to start till two and it's only one forty-five, you'll live."

Eric got up and headed towards the kitchen, he reached into the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine, "Well then let's wait properly."

I heard the clinging of glasses as he brought the wine and six glasses. JJ and Sonny jumped up and watched as Eric handed out the glasses.

"You don't have anything stronger than wine?" Sonny asked as he inspected the glass.

"I do but it's all locked up in my dad's safe. He didn't trust leaving me alone with all of it." Eric said with a shrug.

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