Chapter Seven

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The warehouse was dark and quiet. I was sitting on the couch and it was getting late. I had been waiting for a good hour and Muse still hadn't shown up. I was getting impatient and tired.

At least I had my phone so I could attempt to beat Sonny's stupid score. I kept failing miserably. I eventually came to the realization that she wasn't coming so I got up off the couch, dusted myself off a little and walked out to my car. I sat in my car and felt completely stupid. Muse and I were not friends so what made me think that she would show up. Marilyn was right. We didn't belong with a group like that. I started my car and started to back out of the empty parking lot. I stopped at an intersection and waited for the light to turn green. It felt like forever, the drive home felt like forever, it felt like time had stopped. There was no phone call, there was no text explaining why she stood me up. I waited too, I waited until I fell asleep at three in the morning. Nothing.

A week later Eric and I celebrated our two year with dinner and a movie but I wasn't really there, I was too busy thinking about what had happened to Muse. Weeks passed and I still heard nothing from her. I had seen her at school, I had seen her in the parking lot but I couldn't work up the nerve to go talk to her. I've tried to go over to Christian's house and talk to Aurora but the door was slammed in my face, multiple times. I had no explanation, nothing.

I was kinda a loner at school, after my dispute with Marilyn I pulled myself away from the rest of the group except Eric and Ren. I told Ren what was happening and she said that she didn't care for the group anyway and was happy to leave it and Eric still talked to them but he had been friends with them forever so I didn't mind.

The weather had changed, leaves were falling off the trees and the weather turned into heavy jackets and mittens. It wasn't all bad, I got to drink hot chocolate. I was still wondering what had happened to Muse almost a whole month later.

Eric's fingers were snapping in my face so I knew I had to pay attention to him, "Eric, I'm listening."

"Good, anyway, so I wanted to ask you if I- we could go?"

I really didn't know what he was talking about, "Yeah sure, why not."

"Great, I'll be back tonight to pick you up."

"Don't you mean you'll text me when you're ready to be picked up?" I said while pointing to his cast. He rolls his eyes kissed me and got up. I took him home and waited for a text saying he's ready but then I got bored.

I went into town and I had absolutely nothing to do. Without Marilyn and Eric I had literally no life, sad. So what do you do when you have no life and no friends, you go to the mall. I walked around going from store to store, buying a few things like shirts and some off brand shoes. Then I spotted a familiar face, Sonny.

I walked up to him, hoping that he would be able to give me an answer as to why Muse was ignoring me. But, when he seen me he started going the other way.

"Hey, wait up!" I yelled while trying to catch up to him. I eventually reached him and grabbed his shoulder to turn him towards me, he was wearing a black vest so I took a guess that he was working.

"What?" He asked with an annoyed expression.

"I wanted to ask you something."

"You know I'm with JJ right?"

"What? No. I wanted to ask you why everyone is so pissed at me. I mean, you're a good looking guy and everythi-" he raised an eyebrow at me, "I don't like you, you know, like that." I said, fumbling with the words.

He looked at me with a suspicious look, "You really don't know, do you?"

I shook my head no, "I asked her to meet me at the warehouse and she didn't show, I tried ask Aurora but she really didn't want to talk to me." I shrugged my shoulders, "I really don't know."

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