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[Alliyah] edited 02/27/19

It was the same routine like always. I grabbed my books from the locker and my locker was slammed shut. I felt a breeze on my cheek as the locker closed. I thought my fingers got clipped off when the metal vibrating slammed shut, so I check to make sure. SAFE! Thank god. I already sense faces staring; laser eyes burning holes in me and I roll my eyes, and pray that this wouldn't turn out bad like always.

I turn around and come face to face with Cameron Dallas. The schools most popular guy, also known as my bully.

"What do you want Cameron?" I ask in an annoyed tone.

"What I always want? A chance to see you naked in the shower." said Cameron.

"Yeah, like that's ever gonna happen," Alliyah smirked.

I continue to walk towards my Reading class and I recall that basically all we have to do is read a book for the class. I'm not complaining; I actually like reading which is strange for someone like me. I'm hyper like a cocker spaniel and can barely sit still long enough to hear someone complete a thought. Whenever someone sees me reading a book, they have a shocked expression on their face, like a person like me can't enjoy a book. Which is weird to me because in my mind, everyone should enjoy something without getting judged.

My thoughts were interrupted with a sharp stab of Cameron. Why can't he just disappear out of my life forever?

I sat up straight as I swallowed a gulp of acidic mucous, and began to walk inside my class when my wrist was yanked back.

"What are you doing?" I said in the most angriest tone ever.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Cameron asked harshly.

"Because your annoying." barked Aaliyah.

"You're stubborn." replied Cameron.

"You're childish." said Alliyah.

"You're a bitch." spat Cameron.

"And you're a dick with no bitch in sight!" I said matter-of-factly.

We stopped throwing stones in our war of words after that.

"You know what I like about you?" Cameron asked.

"I didn't even think you liked me at all." I said with no excitement or curiosity.

"Just shut the fuck up and listen, alright?" I rolled my eyes in response to his stupid and rude attitude malfunction. 

"Do you know what I like about you?" he repeated.

"No, why don't you go ahead and spit it out before I become unlikable again?" I said, annoyed at most with this conversation. I was already late for class and I didn't feel like having my teacher question me while this dude played with words like I was a football game.

"You stick up for yourself." he said, candidly.

"What? Am I supposed to let you bully me everyday?" Alliyah asked.

"Most people would." shot back Cameron.

"Well I'm not like everyone Cameron. But anyway, I'm late officially late for class now." I said and rolled my eyes while yanking my wrist away from his grip. As I walked inside my Reading class, I couldn't help but wonder what Cameron truly meant; aside from his dangerous game of mind playing.


It was lunch time so I was walking inside the lunchroom. I don't really eat the lunch at school; I mostly just nibble on an apple. After school, I make a habit of  ordering a large pizza to compensate my academic fasting.

I shake the greasy images of pepperoni's out of my head and walk towards the lunch line to grab a coke and an apple. Then, someone unexpectedly bumps into me, and all of their lunch food spills on my clothes. I basically was a walking menu standing in the cafeteria line.

My eyes shot open to look up at the person who did this to me. It was Shelby; the school's slut. Every guy loves her considering they oogle at her like she's a cupcake with too much icing. Her face is always caked up, and she makes me sick to my stomach most of the time.

"What was that for!?" I yelled at Shelby.

"For talking to my man!" Shelby howled back at me.

Oh did I forget to mention Shelby is dating Cameron? She thinks he has a huge crush on me but we all know he just likes torturing me!

"I don't like or need your man." I said while my two fingers illustrated the quotations around the word man. He's certainly not a man in my eyes; if anything he is just a childish little boy.

"Oh we all know you're in love with him." Shelby whines as she inches her way towards me and smoothes the smear of food into my shirt.

I got fed up with all of her childish bullshit. No wonder Cameron likes her! They are perfectly toxic for each other. Absolute disdain erupts out of me and I forcefully shove Shelby on the floor. She yanks my shirt, tearing it on her way down the floor. Did she just invited me to get as low as her? She punches me in the side of my ribs. I sit up, grab her hair tight around my hand like a rope, and I dragged her across the floor. You can hear her shrieks echoing throughout the cafeteria and everyone begging me to stop but I don't care anymore either.

Someone drags me off of Shelby and I recognize him as my best friend, Matt. I glance up and catch Cameron holding Shelby tenderly while she cries on his shoulder about how much a 'horrible person,' I am.

Yes maybe I am horrible for finally snapping and hurting her, but HEY! She started it she should've never put her hands on me; it's just a shame it had to end this way. Paybacks are bitch and so it makes sense she ultimately got whats coming for her.

Maybe she deserves worse but I won't know because Matt dragged me off of her! I wiggle out of Matt's grasp, hoisted my book bag over my shoulder, and stormed out of the lunch room. Luckily, today's only a half day so school was over.

I walk home and thank the Lord when I can see my house in sight. I'm already picturing myself laying in my cozy bed and resting my sore body and tired mind.

 My life was feeling like a grade F. Fuck homework.

I place my book bag on the floor and slip my shoes off, plop myself on the couch and slowly seep into a deep dream.


I really hope you enjoyed! Comment and vote for another update.

- Mia :)

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