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Matt and I were walking around the park enjoying the most delicious, sweetest, most fantastic ice cream of all time. It was just cookie dough ice cream but then again it was still good.

I finished the rest of my ice cream and threw it in the trash can along with Matts.

"I wanna go swing on the swings," Matt said whining as he saw little kids moving back and forth on the swings.

"Just wait your turn son it will come up eventually," I said patting his back as I was chuckling.

"Oh my god Alliyah look," Matt said pointing at two people. I looked closer and recognized Cameron and Shelby walking around the park also. They were holding hands with each other. Cameron made eye contact with me, pulled apart from holding Shelby's hands, and walked over towards Matt and I. Oh by the way with Shelby following.

"Hey Alliyah," Cameron said awkwardly.

I didn't reply I just continued staring at him.

"Can we talk?" I asked as I grabbed his hand and pulled him somewhere not really giving him a chance to reply or not.

I pulled him into a alley way and slapped him with all of my force.

"What the hell Cameron!" I yelled at him.

He grabbed his face and held it as he replied.

"I'm sorry," he replied.

"Oh you're sorry? You told me you were busy, I should have known you were busy making out with Shelby in the janitors closet!" I yelled at him and instantly regretted it. I didn't mean to tell him that I knew yet ugh I'm so stupid sometimes.

His eyes grew wide and I turned my head. I couldn't make eye contact with him I was so pissed right now. I wanted to throw him off of a cliff and throw a flower down with it.

"You saw that?" He whispered.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," I replied slowly. I was on the verge of crying and I didn't want to cry.

"I I'm sorry. I really am,"

"You know when I said I think I loved you?" I asked him.

He nodded his head confused as to where this was going.

"Yeah well I was wrong. I don't think I love you I think I hate you," I said and walked away from him. I saw Matt and Shelby just sitting down looking around and when I got towards Shelby I took the water ball from her hands and poured the water all over her.

I was getting ready to hit her when Matt grabbed my arm and pulled me away. We began walking and now we were on our way back to the car. Once we got in the car Matt began driving back to my house and I just rested my head on the window.

"Alliyah you're crazy," Matt said chuckling.

"I'm also pissed. Very pissed," I said and squeezed my leg from freaking out too much.

"Hey lets just go back to your house. Eat more ice cream, and watch a bunch of movies," Matt suggested. I looked at him and smiled as I got out of the car once we reached my house.

"That's sounds like a plan," I said with a small smile. When we walked inside I saw my mom sleeping on the couch. I didn't want to wake her so I directed Matt to go upstairs while I got the ice cream and spoons. My mom likes Matt so she wouldn't have a problem with him being over.

Once I walked upstairs I placed everything on my bed as I walked over towards my closet. I grabbed some bed shorts and changed into them. I walked back to the bed and Matt continued searching for stuff to watch on Netflix.

"Let's watch baby daddy. The tv show is hilarious," I suggested because Matt was taking too long to pick out something to watch.

"Okay cool," he responded. I ran into my brothers room and got some shorts that Matt could wear. I let Matt change into them and I got under the covers. Matt did the same and we began watching the tv show and enjoying the delicious ice cream.

Hallway through the show my phone buzzed so I took a look at it.

Alliyah please forgive me. I'm so sorry can I make it up to you?

I didn't respond I just ignored the message and continued watching my show. My phone kept repeatedly buzzing so Matt took it out of my hands and responded to him. When he was finished I got my phone back and read what Matt had said to him.

Yo this is Matt. Honesty you're dumb asf for what you did. :/ in my opinion I thought you two were cute but you decided to play around with her emotions and that made me mad. I think it's best if the two if you just stop interacting with each other for now on. You know like keep your distance? Bye :)

I chuckled at matts response and placed my phone next to me.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"What are friends for?" He asked chuckling.

I nudged his arm and he nudged my arm back. My mom walked in my room and Matt and I stopped play fighting each other.

"Hello Matt. How have you been?" She asked him.

"Iv been good thank you. How about you?" Matt responded.

"Same same. Work has been stressing me out. Would you like to join us for dinner? It should be done any minute now?" My mom asked Matt.

"I would love too,"

"I'll call the two of you down when it's finished," my mom said and left the room.

"You're mom makes the best food," Matt said.

"I love the way she makes her digornio pizza!" I screamed and Matt chuckled.

"Girl it's so good. The crust the cheese everything about it,"

Matt and I just talked about how my mom makes the best pizza until she called us down for dinner.


Hola you guys. Almost to 400 reads yay!

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