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I wake up to my mother shaking me. I open my eyes slowly and look around. I guess everyone went home.

"What day is it?" I asked her.

"Wednesday. You need to get up for school all of your friends went home," she says.

I usually have an alarm to wake me up but I guess I couldn't hear it from my room.

I walk upstairs still tired from the long day yesterday and strip myself naked and get in the shower. Once I finishing washing my body, and hair. I get out wrap a towel around my self and walk out the bathroom towards my room. I rummage through my drawers and pick out my clothes and undergarments for the day, when I hear a tap on my window.

I look over and see Cameron at my window. I open the window and let him come inside.

"Why couldn't you of just knocked on the door?" I asked him.

"I don't know I just didn't want to run into your mom. What if she doesn't like me?"

"She doesn't have a problem with you Cameron. Besides your mom and her are best friends," I explain.

He nods his head and takes a seat on my bed as I look for an outfit for the day.

"You should really take that off," he suggests.

"You would want that wouldn't you?" I asked him.

He nods his head as he smirks which melts me to where I can't even breath.

"Stop undressing me with your eyes," I laugh, "Now don't look okay? Turn around," I instruct.

He does as I say so I slip on my outfit as fast as I can because I know I won't be able to have him staring at the wall for too long.

"Finished," I say as I slip on some shoes.

He turns around and his eyes go wide.

"You look beautiful," he mutters.

When he said that it was like the world stopped. He called me beautiful! I was never called beautiful before so that was a first especially coming from him.

"You don't have to lie," I mumble.

"But I'm not,"

We sit in silence for a couple of minutes before I say something.

"Well let me finish getting ready. By the way my mom left for work so we can go through the door," I explain and he nods his head.

Why does he have such of an affect on me?


Once Cameron and I walk through the school doors together every body stares at us. It's kind of making me uncomfortable having all of these eyes watching your every move.

As I was walking to my locker since Cameron and I went our separate ways Mya walked towards my way.

"Hey what's up?" I asked as I grabbed my books for science class.

"Are you and Cameron a thing?" She eyes me. I close my locker and give her a weird look.

"I don't really know really, why?"

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