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                              [Alliyah] edited 03/25/19

I finish eating breakfast at school and as I get up from the lunch table, I thought school breakfast isn't really that bad. Sometimes they give you a biscuit with jelly or butter which is awesome to me, or sometimes they give you fruit and sausage.

I walk towards my locker and fumble for my books to class. science: math & algebra: reading & writing: history. That's mostly it. The classes are about 2 hours each which feel long like church on Sunday.

On half days, we only have 2 classes and it depends on whichever teacher is up for lecturing for 2 hours.

I grab my books for science and close my locker. Cameron was standing behind it and I jump back, scared and instantly get annoyed. "What do you want Cameron?" I asked really pissed still about yesterday.

"To apologize." he said.

I paused to look at him waiting for him to continue. "Look, I'm sorry for what I did. Yes, I know it was childish of me to kiss you while I have a girlfriend. I could break up with her." he said.

"And until you do, Goodbye Cameron,"I walking around him and down the hall to science class. I was shocked at what just happened, actually. Would he really break up with his girlfriend, SHELBY, to be with me?

I don't swallow this sweet idea for one second. Instead, I'm carrying a large knot in my throat that's forcing me to clear my throat so much you'd think I'm contagious.

As I exit science class and head to math and algebra, I was yanked into the janitors closet. Already knowing who it was I sigh so deeply I'm gasping for air and coughing nervously.

Can this day get any worse?

The light was turned on and there stood Cameron Dallas. His hand covered my mouth of breathless nerves. "Alliyah please don't get an attitude." Cameron said.

"Why did you bring me here?" as my cocky smirk glanced around ourselves. "To tell you that I broke up with her." Cameron said.

Wait what? He didn't break up with her! "Why would you do that?" I ask sneered.

"Gosh Alliyah, you really aren't the brightest crayon in the box" he chimed. I didn't find any of this funny, to be honest. "It's because I like you,"

"Cameron, how do I know that you aren't lying to me?" I asked him.

"Because if I was lying I wouldn't do this." He walks towards me and kisses me. He's soft and I kiss him back and to my surprise I pulled into him this time. The kiss sparked something inside that flew throughout my entire body It made me crave more of him. I even forgot about Math and Algebra class and I was thankful of that.

I pulled away after a couple of minutes and I was officially out of breath."Wow," I mumbled.

"I'm sorry." he said.

"No, no it's fine," I say as I try to catch my breath. He is admittedly a really good kisser.

"I should probably go." he says and quickly left. I stood in the janitors closet leaned up against the shelf and pressed my fingers to my lips and smiled. Once I shook that other world in a school closet away and returned to my Student body at school, I grab my books from the floor that I'd dropped during that kiss and dashed down the hall for math class.

Since it was lunch time, I grab a bag of cookies with a Sprite and quickly sit at the first signed empty lunch table as I wait for Matt to join me. Instead of Matt, Cameron sits across from me.

"Anyone sitting here?" he asked.

"Well, Matt was supposed to but since he isn't here, you can. Matt will also be joining us though." I explain.

"Doesn't bother me." he says between his smile.

His smile! 

His smile melted me again and again. I smile back and continue shyly eating my cookies as I wait for Matt.

When Matt arrives, Cameron and Matt began talking like their old pals. Cameron is actually really funny and I didn't think so until I actually gave him a chance. Matt seemed to like him so that was maybe a good sign.

As we were all talking and laughing, Shelby came and positioned herself next to Cameron. I placed my cookie down on the bag and took a sip of my Sprite.

"Hey baby," Shelby cooed as she try to plant her fish-lips on his cheek. I'm happy that he put his hand in between the kiss. It made me laugh inside, though I'm sure Shelby noticed because she returned a dirty look at me.

"I thought I made it clear to you that we're over." Cameron said.

"Ugh, Cam, come on, you're kidding, right?" she laughs as she waves her paw.

"No I was serious actually. I like someone else." he said and looked at me and smiled. Now I was beyond shocked. Maybe Matt was right. I looked at Matt as he looked at me and he winked.

"You will pay for this." she tore from her teeth while her eyes dug into mine, and she got up and walked away from the table.

"That was juicy!" Matt said excitedly. I broke into laughter at the same time Cameron did.

"Well I should be going to reading class," I say as I'm still laughing hazily while getting out of my seat. "I have Math" Matt said with little enthusiasm, and scooted away.

"Well since I have reading, let's walk together." Cameron said and sat up. I walk towards my locker and fetch my reading books and walk with Cameron.

Once reading is over, we have a free period so we could do whatever we want. I have cheerleading practice so I rush my outfit on and walk to the gym. Cameron is a football player so one good thing I can count on is that I can be his cheerleader.

I practice with all of my friends and we do a bunch of fresh routines. I'm Captain so I create and produce the routines. Once practice is over, I go to change and get to my last class which is thankfully History.

Cameron waits for me outside of the school and I hop in his car. He drove to his house as I sit beside him quietly, taking in all the unfamiliar sights and sounds. Once we arrive at his place I look around his room and it's really nice. Good job Cameron, you're not the obnoxious slob I imaged you were.

"Where's your mom?" I asked him."Work." he said with a grin. I smiled back and walked towards the couch to get cozy into the sofa and watch TV with him.

Took me literally forever to come up with what to write. Please vote and comment for another update.

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