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Sitting on my bed while waiting for Cameron was the worst, but I know soon I will have him by my side so that brightened up my mood. Being with Cameron so far has been awesome and I can't believe I thought of dating my bully.

Flash back.

"Cameron let go of me!" I said in the most angriest tone ever. He pushed all of my class books to the floor and was making me mad.

"What are you gonna do huh!" He yelled at me. Nobody was in the halls to help me and I was late for class. I raised my hand to smack him but he grabbed my wrist and pushed me to floor. I locked eye contact with him full of disgust as he looked exasperated and ran somewhere else.

End of flash back.

Yes even though that memory will stick with me forever I still can't erase my feelings for Cameron. I'm never planning on it. As I sit on my bed painting my nails I heard a tap on my window. He could've just knocked on the door instead of doing things the hard way.

I opened the window as Cameron hopped in and fell on the floor in the process.

"Why don't you just take the easy way? You know through the door," I said and laughed.

"Because the easy way isn't always the fun way," he said as he sat on my bed.

"But what if I like easy?" I asked. It was a huge lie but I wanted to know what he would say.

"Then I would make easy decisions just for you," he said smirking as he grabbed my waste and pulled me down to him.

I was inches away from his lips as I whispered, "Don't... I'm kind of liking the hard way," I say as I closed the space between us by kissing him. As I was sitting on his lap kissing him I pushed his back down to the bed as I trailed my hands up his shirt while kissing him. He roamed his hands all over my ass and I moaned softly until my door opened. I sat up from Cameron quickly and tried to act normal. I saw Mya with a shocked expression on her face but she quickly covered it up.

"I um... I left my keys to my house and your front door was open. I came to your room to ask if you could help me find them but I guess your already busy. Sorry bye," she said and closed the door to my room.

I groaned as I faced Cameron.

"I'll be right back," I said as I pecked his lips and ran out of my room. I saw Mya looking for her keys some where in the couch.

"I'm sorry that you had to see that," I apologized. I was sorry but then again I wasn't because I know she still has feelings for him and her witnessing that probably gave her the clue that he is officially over her.

"It's fine," she said with an attitude in her tone.

"Found it," she said picking up the key in her hands.

"Why just one key can't you get a keychain for that?" I asked with a curious tone in my voice.

"It's broken. I need to buy a new one iv been loosing this key ever since yesterday," she said walking towards the front door.

I nodded my head as I opened the door for her. I was waiting for her to leave so I could go back to kissing my amazing boyfriend. To my luck she turned back around and spoke.

"I saw Matt," she said in a whisper. I could tell she was distracting me on purpose she could just text me an explain this all to me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"Well I talked to him and he decided that we should break up. I don't know what to do. Can I sleep over and we can watch movies a," I cut her off by closing the door in her face. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted Matt.

Did you decide to break up with Mya?

I walked upstairs as I saw Cameron typing away on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked.

"Nash. He wanted to do something to
tomorrow with everyone," he said as he put his phone on the side of his bed.

I nodded my head as my phone buzzed. I checked the message to see that I
had two. One from Mya and another from Matt.

I checked Myas message first.

Wow what a good friend. Slamming the door in my face? You pick your boyfriend over your best friend?
So much for bros before hoes.

Yeah okay. I read and ignored the message as I checked Matts.

"Who are you texting?" Cameron asked peeking over my should.

"Matt about Mya. She's been a pain in my ass lately," I said and chuckled as I read the message.

I haven't seen her since the party.

That's what I thought. Mya is jealous
of Cameron and I and she's is trying to distract me so I won't be able to have time with Cameron.

Thanks baby boy.

I sent and focused my attention back on Cameron.

"Mya is jealous of you and I," I said with a frown on my face knowing it would get a reaction out of Cameron.

"I guess we will have to show her why," he said as he kissed me on the lips.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked in between the kiss.

We stopped kissing as I waited for him to answer.

"Why it's not like we would pay attention anyways," he said laughing.

"Right. Do you want to go do something outside of the house?" I asked smiling.

"Let's go to the arcade," he said jumping off of my bed.

"I'll text Nash, and Matt," I said making a group chat with everyone expect Mya.

Come to my house!


Oh yeah! Lol I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will update another one later. Comment and vote as it helps my story grow. Thanks babes.

Mia xoxo

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