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Dan walked through the small garden that grew in the back of the library.

He would often spend his time here.  After work and on break he would grab a book or two and sit under the gazebo admiring the flowers. 

Today was rainy, a usual for his small town that was located in southern England.  The low clouds casted a thick gray filter over Dans world.  The smell of rain was embedded so deep into the townspeople that when it wasn't raining they would be overwhelmed with the new smells. 

Dan let a hand graze over a bush of lilacs that were heavy with raindrops.  The pool of water washed over his hand and fell to the ground splashing onto his warn down boots. 

Sitting down on his bench Dan took out a new book titled, Broken Dreams and Other Pretentious Poems.

He looked at the pastel pink cover letting his fingers trail over the embroidered golden text that was faded from years of use.  Taking in a deep breath he looked to the park to his right that was right next to a baseball diamond.   Dan always wondered who decided to put the two so close.  Certainly it is unsafe to have balls flying around children's heads. 

It didn't even matter since it was barely used.  There was another field closer to the school anyway.  It was newer, cleaner.  So this was now mostly used by the towns edgy teens who would smoke in the dugout and sell drugs by the scoreboard.  Dan saw it all and would sometimes daydream about going over to them and asking for a hit. 

Dan had never done drugs but he knows that the opportunity could still come. 

To his left was a small coffee shop that he worked at called Lenny's.  Betty wore red lipstick all the time and dreamed about moving to the states to start a fashion line and marrying as she calls it 'a nice southern man'.  She had bleached hair and harsh eyebrows that framed her face nicely.  Her laugh was contagious and echoed through the walls loudly.

Nick was a kid who graduated last year.  He had a great taste in art and convinced the owner to let Dan hang some of his work.  Since the store was small enough the owner was very chill about everything.  Nick and Dan would spend some time together when the shop was slow and talk.  Dan took a liking to Nick and his soft brown eyes that rolled back when he laughed.  Poor Nick lost both of his parents the summer he graduated and was too scared to move away. 

Sam lived here her whole life, no husband, no kids and loved it.  Her arms are covered in tattoos and was pretty badass for being in her forties.  Sam had an 'I don't give a fuck' attitude that Dan adored.  She would tell him stories of when she went to high school and now crazy she and her friends were.

The owner, Lenny was an old man.  Dan would help him move furniture or assist him when needed since he lived above the shop.  Lenny gave Dan a job the beginning of this school year after he told Dan "you spend enough time here and help out well enough.  Mine as well get payed for it."  

These were Dans friends.  It's who he would see after school and on the weekends.  Who he shared his thoughts with and who he loved.  Dan didn't feel at work at Lenny's, he felt at home. 

It was his break so he decided to get some fresh air. 

He began to read his book admiring the 'pretentious poems'. 

Detailed skin peeling away
Falling lightly to the ground
Trembling hands working their way around
Outside the window the world is bright and full of life
While insides shatter, imploding the glistering remains of summer skin
Lies spilling from painted lips tired of the endless harsh rips to the body
Damp eyes and warn down cheeks tired of the endless suffering
Lies spilling from painted lips tired of the endless nothing's
Detailed love dying today
Falling heavy to the ground
Trembling hearts working their way around
Outside the window the world is bright and full of life
Now I'm surrounded by stars, empty dead light
Illuminating my falling skin
The once burning suns now dying
No longer bright
And I swore to everyone I would avoid this
And I swore to my self that I would never fall for this
But now I'm falling

Smiling at the words Dan couldn't help but feel warm and bubbly.  Reading other people's work inspired a lot of his art and he knew that he would find himself repeating these words tonight as he drew or painted or did whatever he desired. 

Then Dan saw a boy riding a bike.  He's never seen this man before.  He would remember those bright blue eyes and raven hair.  His hood flew behind him as his pale hands clutched his steering bars.  Dan noticed his face seemed very stone cold, unreadable.  Squinting his eyes slightly he made eye contact with the boy.

Dan felt like a deer caught in headlights at the sight of the blue eyes.  They were indescribable.  And soon enough they looked away and Dan was lost searching once again.

An: woW that was so pretentious I almost gAggEd.

Sorry but I want to write something pretentious so. .

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