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Dan walked out of school on another rainy day his hood pulled over his curly hair that he hasn't bothered to straighten in a while.  With it being his senior year he just doesn't care about his appearance anymore.  Lenny's was only a few blocks away so Dan didn't need a car. 

He thought back to yesterday and how he just stood there when he bumped into that boy.

He was stunning. 

Dan found out after he left his name was Phil.  Betty told him how he was starting work there soon.  She said he was from upper north and that's all she knew. 

Dan was determined to find out more. 

Something about his captivating eyes made Dan feel.  He was transfixed by his pale skin and dark hair. 

Walking down the sidewalk Dan listened to music not paying any attention to the sounds around him.  His eyes were fixed on the ground as his feet kicked up water.  The rain was lightly falling around him making Dan feel at peace.  He loved the rain.  He kinda had to living here. 

Jogging across the road to get to Lenny's Dan smiled as he walked into the shop. Nick was the only one working at the moment.

"Hello Daniel Howell." He cooed.

Blushing Dan looked up, "hi Nick."

Leaning against the counter and cocking his head slightly Nick flashed his bright teeth.

Dan slid besides him to grab his apron. He felt Nicks stare on him causing his blush to deepen.

"How was school?" He asked as Dan tied the brown apron around his waist.

"School was school." Dan muttered.

"Ah. I remember that. I'm so happy I'm out of there."

"Stop rubbing it in." Dan laughed.

"Sorry, sorry." Nick folded his hands over his chest.

"So who's the new guy?"

"Oh, Phil?" Nick replied, "yeah he starts in a week."

"Do you know anything about him?" Dan asked hoping that Nick would know.

"I know he lives by Lenny-"

"He lives here?" Dan blurted. That would explain why he ran up the stairs yesterday.

"Yeah..." Nick trailed, "why so interested?"

"He's new." Dan smiled, "I like new."

"Okay Howell." Nick smiled back, "now help me wash the tables."

"Alright." Dan reached under the counter and grabbed a wash cloth and cleaner.

He jumped over the counter instead of rubbing against Nick again.

"You know Lenny hates when you do that." Nick said as he restocked the pastries. After school/work was a prime time for customers.

"I know." Dan said, "but he's not here."

"Ooh, you're so dangerous." Nick raised one eyebrow.

Dan sprayed the table and used the cleaner like a gun and held it up to Nick, "you know it." He sprayed the bottle and Nick pretended to dodge it.

"You are nothing compared to me Mr. Dan Howell." Nick said in a deep voice and grabbed another cleaner bottle and shot it at Dan.

Clutching his chest as if he got hit Dan fell onto the chair.

The two's messing around stopped when they noticed Phil standing in the doorway to upstairs. Dan got up and began cleaning again embarrassed.

"Hey Phil." Nick smiled and put the cleaner back.

He smiled a bit and walked to the counter, "where is the nearest clothing shop?"

"If you want cheap there's a goodwill just a town over." Nick pointed in a direction out the window.

"That'll work, thanks." Phil nodded and turned around making eye contact with Dan again.

Dan looked away at his heavy gaze and back at his work.

Once the boy has left Nick said, "he's a bit strange isn't he?"

"Yeah, I guess." Dan muttered.

"Why does he need new clothes?" Nick filled the coffee maker.

"I don't know." Dan shook his head.

"I bet you he's a murderer on the run." Nick gasped melodramatically.

"Shut up." Dan chuckled under his breath.

"I bet you, Dan. That's why his hair is dyed and he wants new clothes."

"I highly doubt it." Dan finished cleaning and turned back to Nick.

"Well, we'll see."

• • •

Dan walked home that day with Phil on his mind. Dan didn't believe he was a killer but he was curious to why he didn't have clothes or anything.

Deciding that it wasn't his business Dan just watched his feet kick up water.

An: okay I'm having really fun writing this so I'm probs gonna post a lot whOops.

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