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Before Dan even opens his eyes he can feel Phil under his protective arms. He is always so cold. Flickering his eyes open he nudges in closer to the older boy. Sun shines in from the living room window and casts trails of light onto the two.

His skin was soft, his hand laid over Dans. He shifted a bit in his sleep letting out a quiet sigh.

Whatever Phil wants to keep a secret must be very haunting to him. Dan has never seen anyone in such a way as he did Dan last night. His eyes were wild, hands scraping the bed. He looked mad. Whoever hurt him made sure there wasn't a piece they didn't stain on Phil's pour soul.

Phil began to stir so Dan rolled over to allow him space to wake up. He rubbed his eyes and sat up his hair flying in different directions. He reached to his bedside table and placed his glasses onto his face.

"I'm sorry." He didn't even face Dan. He just slumped his shoulders as if he were cowering in defeat.

"Hey." Dan set an arm around his shoulders, "It's okay."

Phil shook his head, "It really isn't okay."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Dan asks, "I understand one hundred percent if you don't."

"I don't" Phil still didn't advert his gaze from the sheets, "I didn't want to bring anything up. That was the point of starting over. I didn't want to pull anyone into my past. I didn't want myself wanting to open up to a stranger."

"We're not strangers anymore." Dan reminded to try and lighten the mood, "you know my biggest fear now."

Phil laughed a bit and looked up to Dans eyes. Dan would never sicken of Phil. His breath was always sucked out of his lungs when Phil looked at him. Letting his eyes trail over the tired boy Dan smiled, "you're a dork."

Dan squinted his eyes and scrunched his nose.

"Oh my gosh, please leave." Phil laughs even harder.

Opening his eyes back up Dan throws himself onto Phil so that they're both lying down again. This time Dan lets his head lay on Phil's chest listening to the steady sound of his heart.

"Thank you for letting me stay over." Dan places a hand on Phil's cold chest.

"Thanks for calming me down when I had a panic attack last night." Phil chuckles.

Dan looks up at Phil through his fringe, "It's no big deal. All part of the job."

"The job?" Phil's voice trails.

"Friendship is a job." Dan reminds Phil, "Or did you forget we're friends now?"

Phil places a comforting hand in Dans hair messaging his head, "Well if someone walked in right now they'd think we're a lot more than friends."

"Shhh." Dan laughs, "Whats wrong with bros cuddling?"

Phil's breath catches and Dan can feel it, "Nothing, just bros hangin'."

"What time is it?" Dan asks and Phil sits up to much of his disappointment.

Phil checks his phone, "Eight, whoops, you're late for school."

"Shit." Dan stands up and the moment his bare feet hit the floor he snaps back into reality. No more him and Phil snuggling or dreaming about his lips, he was now focused on real life.

Phil stands up as well and throws Dan a shirt from his dresser, "You'd look weird if you wore the same thing as yesterday."

Dan smiles gratefully at Phil and throws his shirt off. He doesn't even mind the feeling of Phil's eyes on his back. He just needs to get to school, "Thanks. I got to head out now, thanks for everything again, i'll see you later."

"Bye honey!" Phil says in a high pitched voice.

Dan shakes his head and runs out the door.

* * *

Dan flops down on his bed after school and sighs. All day the events of last night and this morning replayed through his thoughts. He imagines him and Phil embracing each other on his bed and how good it felt. How his stomach twisted into giant knots and his chest swelled.

Picking up a canvas Dan decided he needed to clear his mind. The only way to do that was through art. Choosing a paintbrush Dan swiped a color onto the paper hoping that it would inspire him.

Instead he imagined Phil's eyes and how they resembled the bright blue contrasting with the paper. He closed his eyes and saw the way they would flicker over his face and how his throat would tighten at the feeling.

Dan was too happy for art and it wasn't helping that his mind was racing with Phil either. No matter what he felt he could always find a way to put it into a picture but now his mind was invested with Phil and nothing else. He could only think about his hands and how cold they were but how comforting as well. Or the way his hair fell in front of his eyes this morning and how all Dan wanted to do was push it out of the way and kiss him.

He imagined what a kiss with Phil would be like. He doesn't think Phil would be gentle. After all Dan heard the story of his first kiss and how heated it was. Phil said it was sloppy. If they kissed would Dan be sloppy? Did Dan know even how to kiss?

Of course he didn't. He was a gay boy in a small town. The odds of finding another gay kid are small and being compatible with them was even smaller.

But Dan found Phil.

Even though Phil was a mystery train wreck.

And what are the chances Phil even likes Dan like that? He's pretty hard to read.

Damn Dan wished that he had the ability to read people like Phil did.

Then he wouldn't seem so lost right now. Feeling like he was venturing the sea that was Phil's eyes. Dan was on a raft trying to figure out why the waves cried at night when the sun left them. Why the comfort of the stars weren't enough for them. And why Dan was trapped on a damn raft anyway.

Dan thinks of poetry.

How Phil was a poem.

How he was the embodiment of the sea.

He didn't just hold the water in his eyes it was throughout him. The way he rocked on his feet like that of a wave tossing itself onto a beach. His cold skin exactly like water on a still dark night. The words that fell out of his mouth as fluent as a river. Phil was the sea.

And why did Dan think he even stood a chance with the whole damn sea.

AN: It is very late and I don't even know what this is but I have never been so excited to write in my life. This book just seems to come naturally to me, I guess and I haven't felt natural writing in a long time so this- ah this is just gr8. I am very proud of this so if seems like i'm uploading a lot you know why.

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