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Phil looked at Dan across the coffee shop with an eyebrow raised.  He was helping a customer order, smiling along and laughing with them.  His smile was contagious that infected everyone around him.  His hands held his small notebook which seemed pretty useless considering the lack of business.  

As he walked back Phil unfolded his hands and drifted towards him.  Dan smiled at him.  It was a different smile than the ones he gave the customers.  This one was full of emotion, love and lust and shyness.  His cheeks blushed and Phil couldn't help but smirk a bit.  Infectious he was indeed. 

They did that throughout the day.  Sending each other flirtatious looks and brushing closer than needed.  Phil would cast Dan a look and Dan would laugh and get back to work pretending it never happened but the blush on his face contradicted otherwise.

It was almost time for them to finish work and Nick decided to pay an early visit.  Phil didn't like Nick at all.  He was told from Dan of their flirty past.  Nick was handsome and nice and seemed to be interested in the same topics as Dan.  

Phil hated it.

He was extremely jealous of their relationship.  How Dan talked to him like he was family, bouncing easy conversation like it was as simple as breathing.  He would never tell Dan, of course, never show him his selfish side.  

"Hello, Dan!"  Nick smiled, "And Phil."

Phil flashed his best fake smile and fell beside Dan in front of the cash register.  He felt his soft skin against his own and wanted to rub it in Nick's face.  He wanted to hold Dan's hand up in the air and twirl him around and kiss him, right here at work.  

But Phil held himself back knowing Dan wanted to break the news to him some other time.  Dan said it wasn't that big of a deal and that Nick wasn't too important.  But even if that was the case for Dan it wasn't for Nick.  Nick eyed Dan up like he was the most beautiful thing he's ever seen.  That was Phil's job. 

"Hey, Nick."  Dan greeted.

Phil nodded to him and said in a flat voice, "hi." It wasn't out of his character to act like the weird mysterious one so he assumed it didn't look too needy.  

"How's work going?"  Nick asked, "Many customers?"

"A few more than usual-"  Dan stopped mid thought as Phil let his hand graze his thigh.  Phil looked outside as if nothing was happening and Dan swallowed continuing on, "Yeah, there, uh, there were quite a few more than normal." 

Letting his hand venture around Dans hips and thigh Phil let his fingers trail under his shirt, all in the cover of the large counter, "Yeah, they were all very polite today.  Right, Dan?" 

Phil looked down to Dan to see him trying to keep a straight face.  Searching his eyes Phil couldn't help but see the want beginning to build up in his dark orbs, "Right.  Everyone was so incredibly thoughtful." 

"That's good,"  Nick smiled unaware of the scene a few feet in front of him.

"We probably have to clean up the-" Dan choked on his words a bit as Phil let his hand explore under his belt a bit, "The back.  We had our lunch there and left a big mess." 

"Alright, I'll take it from here." Nick began to walk over to the counter so Phil dropped his hand to his side and followed the younger boy to the break room.

As soon as the door shut behind him Dan dropped his shoulders and crossed his arms, "What the hell." 

"Oh, you loved that."  Phil sighed breathily.   He inched closer to Dan locking the door behind them.  

Dan dropped his arms and tilted his head slightly showing his neck knowing it would make Phil even  more anxious, "why now? Why suddenly do you want me like that?"  Phil could feel a lump build in his throat from anticipation as he slowly walked with Dan.

"Just felt like touching you."  Phil shrugged and let his eyes drift over his neck.

Dan raised an eyebrow, "Or perhaps it was because of Nick?"

Phil felt his face flush and his mouth open slightly.  Composing himself again Phil straightened his back, "Of course not."

"I think so."  Dan nodded, "I think that you were jealous." Dan laughed a bit.

"So what?"  Phil grabbed Dans hips and propped him onto the counter, "Why does that matter?"  Phil held Dans hips tightly, "I just want you right now." 

Dan pulled Phil closer with his shirt and let their lips push together hard.  They've only been a thing for a week but Phil was obsessed.  It scared him, how much he liked Dan.  But in this moment, he let that fear ebb away so that all that mattered was Dan.

Phil tightened his grip around Dans thighs and pushed into his warm lips rhythmically.  Dan gasped into the kiss and pulled him closer so that his back was against the wall behind him.

Dan let his hands venture under Phils shirt and Phil didn't try and stop him.  He shuttered at the sudden touch that curled around his ribs and dug into his back.  Phil ripped Dans shirt and apron off and let his hands explore his torso.  He hungrily kissed at Dans exposed skin and scratched at his back.  Dan huffed out a sigh as Phil moved his hands down to his thighs once again.

Phil felt in ecstasy.  

With Dans warmth pooling around him and the soft feeling of his lips, Phil was on a high much greater than any amount of drugs.  He let the heat consume him, not even thinking about what was happening.  Just letting instinct take over. 

But that didn't last for long because a knocking at the door interrupted them, "Hey guys, I just wanted to ask if you wiped down the tables after your shift?"

Phil sighed and stepped away, "Yeah, one second, we need to do that."  

Dan got off of the counter and threw his shirt back on buttoning it messily, "We are just finishing wiping down the tables in here, sorry."

Phil couldn't suppress a smile at the sight of Dan all flustered trying to compose himself.  His hair was tossed around and beginning to curl.  

Opening the door while clearing his throat Dan slid out of the breakroom.  Nick stood at the doorway a confused look plastered on his face.

Phil shrugged his shoulders and moved his way past him. 

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