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Phil was in the kitchen digging through his fridge to try and find something easy to make for his guest. Speaking of, Dan sat on the couch his arms draped over the back as he sat watching Phil.

"Will you oppose pasta?" Phil asked.

"Nope." Dan called.

"Good because it seems I have the bare minimum of ingredients to make anything." Phil shook his head and placed the sauce on the counter and got out the rest of the things needed.

"Thanks for this." Dan shuffled around a bit.

"I mean, it's nothing." Phil smiled down at the pot full of water, "you're the one who wanted a friend and I was the one who was lonely. Seems we were meant for each other."

Phil placed the pot on the stove and looked over to see Dans cheeks gone pink, "we're friends?"

"Why not." Phil shrugged, "I mean, you're extremely nice. I'm extremely broken. Maybe you can fix me." Phil joked laughing.

"Can't fix you if I don't know what to fix."

"I was kidding." Phil busied himself with the meal, "do you like garlic bread?"

"Who doesn't?" Dan called, "you sure you don't need help."

"I think I can manage pasta for two." Phil called as he pulled out the frozen garlic bread.

"Ugh, you need to let me help with something."

"Is that supposed to be a metaphor?" Phil laughed.

"Shut up."

"Do you have any siblings, Dan?"

"Nope." He paused, "it's just me and my parents. Did you?"

"Mm, past tense." Phil nodded, "I kinda like that. Like my rotten past was just a chapter in my book, and to answer your question, no."

Dan smiled into the blue couch, "this is fun."


"Having a friend is fun." Dan repeated.

"Yeah, I agree." Phil placed the bread in the oven.

"What do you got to drink?" Dan asks.

"Well, I don't have milk because milk is gross."

"True." Dan agrees.

"Tap water or a Coke?"

"Can I have a Coke?" Dan asks and Phil tosses him one like they were old friends. As if this was ordinary. Whatever this was, "hey, that's my painting."

"What?" Phil asks.

"That painting." Dan points to the picture hanging on the wall. The same picture Phil would escape to on his breakdowns, "Lenny must have moved it from downstairs."

"Really?" Phil is shocked, "that's really good."

"Thanks." Dan smiled, "Nick convinced Lenny to hang a few around the building."

"Are you and Nick close?" Phil asks draining the pasta.

"Kinda." Dan looks around, "I mean, we got really close last summer when we first met. He has good taste in art. We kinda drifted a bit this year, probably because of work scheduling and school."

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