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Dan proceeded to lay in Phil's bed, a pass time they both enjoyed. With their busy work schedules and Dan finishing things for graduation a moment or two of peace was rare. Dans head was pushed against Phil's neck his fingers trailing his bare chest. His body was perfect and Dan was thankful he got to see it everyday. He was pale and cool and comforting. Phil's hand was wrapped around Dans body pulling him in closer. The warmth he always experiences in his chest made an appearance.

"You're so beautiful." Dan said with a sigh. Phil's breathing altered for a second, unsure why, Dan decided to ignore it.

Phil rested his hand on the curve of Dans torso where it met his hip. A shiver of ecstasy jolted through his body, "you flatter me too much."

Dan chuckled under his breath, "take a compliment, damn."

Phil joined in on the light laughter, "fine, okay. Thank you, Dan."

Every time Phil said his name, his heart fluttered. Dan doesn't know why, many people use his name but the way Phil does it is different. The way his low raspy voice hums the 'a' in his name, maybe it's because he was from the north. Whatever it was Dan was glad he said it that way, "I'm going to take a gap year after high school."

"That's good. More time with you." Phil massaged his back, his fingers trailing over his body, "how do your parents feel about that."

"They said as long as I get out of their house by the end of summer." Dan said his voice turning tight at the memory. They did not approve of his decision at all. They wanted Dan to go to college right away and get a nice job or something. Dan wasn't ready just yet, he needed time to think. Or maybe he just wanted another year with Phil.

"That's so dumb." Phil scoffed, "well, you can always live here."

Dan felt his stomach explode into a fit of nervousness, "really?" He hadn't expected that at all.

"Yeah." Phil played with his hair, oh god that felt so good. The feeling of his cool hands on his neck and head. Closing his eyes to try and consume all of the moment Dan smiled.

"Mmm, Phil that feels really good."

Phil laughed a bit, "do I even need to tell you how bad of an innuendo that is?"

"I don't care." Dan felt in this moment none of his worries hung over him. They all drifted away and for the first time in a while, breathing seemed easy.

Phil readjusted himself and Dan groaned at the sudden movement, "if you think that feels good let me show you something really nice."

Dan rolled his eyes and sat up, "just because we did the do a few nights ago doesn't give you the right to make those jokes." But looking at Phil's lifted eyebrow and bed head made Dans knees weak. Truth is, Dan wasn't the usual hormone driven teenage most boys were but that was before Phil. Now everything the boy did made his chest tighten and not so innocent thoughts run through his mind. And the night they finally went all the way made Dan even needier. He knew Phil was as well. They both craved the lack of clothes and intimate touching. But honestly, Dan was scared. He let his guard down for one night and now he was desperate. Not to mention the fact that Dan was terrible. Just like every relationship-driven thing they did. Dan was messy and inexperienced and needy. Phil was anything but. He was scared Phil would realize this and find someone else. His kissing, thankfully, improved so he was comfortable with that.

"Just say sex, Dan." Phil said and somehow the combination of his name and that word made Dan even antsier.

"Fine, just because we't give you the right to make those jokes." Dan said his throat tightening at the word.

Phil sat up and made his way towards Dan, his eyes never leaving Dans own. His arms holding his body up made them look even more beautiful, if that was possible, "what if we did the do, twice?" Phil said his voice full of seduction.

Dan let his eyelids flutter at the contact of Phil's hand against his back pulling him in and his lips connecting with his neck, "mmmm, Phil this feels even better." Dan mumbled as Phil's lips trailed over his neck. Dan threw his head back and let Phil push him down onto the bed.

Getting caught up in the moment Dan didn't remember why he didn't want this. Phil tore Dans shirt off and began to kiss a trail down Dans chest, his hands on his ribs. Phil threw a leg over Dans body so that he laid between his hips. With their chests both bare and slightly sweaty Dan moaned into the kiss when Phil finally decided their lips could touch.

Phil pushed his hand on Dans crotch making him jump out of the moment and remember his worries. He pushed Phil back on the bed a look of pure confusion on his face.

"I'm sorry." Dan mumbled. Phil's face was flush and his hair was even messier. Dan was sure he looked he same way.

"No-" Phil paused, "uh, it's okay, I guess. Are you okay?"

Dan felt even worse but there was nothing he could do, the moment had dissolved the second he pushed him away, "yeah. Sorry."

"Babe, it's okay if you didn't want to go that far, just tell me. Don't be sorry." Phil smiled a bit but his gut twisted with guilt.

"It's not that I don't want to, I do." Dan trailed.

Phil furred his eyebrows, "what is it? You can tell me."

Dan scratched the back of his head, "I'm just not that good at that."

Phil let out a breath, "holy shit, Dan you scared me. I thought it was something bad."

"What?" Dan felt confused now.

"You're fine." Phil smiled, "you're more than fine, you're perfect."

"But you're the one who's been with dozens of guys and probably knows so much more than I do." Dan looked down at the sheets, letting them slide between his fingers.

"Dan." There he is again using Dans name like that, he melted under the sound, "I promise you that that doesn't matter. I mean, it kinda does I guess. But as long as I'm with you, I'm happy. And it's fun to learn everything and experiment a bit. You're not going to be great right away."

Dan blushed, "now I'm embarrassed about being scared."

"You're one of a kind, Howell." Now if the mention of his first name made Dan putty in Phil's hands, one could imagine what the sound of his last name did to him. Dan let his worries drain as he pulled Phil back down onto him.

An: okay this got kinda inappropriate but it was sorta cute, right? Not too smutty I hope.

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