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An: the poetry book I mention is actually real and by a youtuber I love so if anyone wants to lend me some cash money I'd totally buy it (but shipping is expensive)

Dan scanned the libraries poem section again looking for something to share with Phil. He has been here a while trying to decide which work was worth the effort. His hand drifted over books his eyes scanning titles over and over again wondering if this one was too sad or if this one too weird.

He decided on a simple one: Graffiti by Savannah Brown

It was a small white book with an illustration of a person on the front.

Dan greeted the old librarian, Sarah, and she in turn smiled, "you seem to like this book, I remember you checking it out before." Her wrinkled hands moved around as if checking out books was second nature. Her eyes never broke contact with Dan. Although her completion was drooping her eyes still were bright with life. That's one thing Dan loved about life. No matter how old you get your eyes show a youthfulness for eternity.

"It's for a friend who claims he's isn't stuffy enough to read poetry." Dan rolled his eyes, "I told him I'd change his mind."

"A very good deed you're doing Dan. Poetry isn't stuffy." She handed the book to Dan, "I miss you around here, it seems that you've been busy."

"School and work have me pretty busy, I'm sorry. I'll make sure to come a lot this summer to make up for it."

"I'm still sad you picked to work at Lenny's and not here." Sarah shook her head, "it's mustn't be good for ones health to be around pastries all the time."

Dan laughed, "I know, sorry.  I couldn't resist being able to smell like coffee all the time."

"I can see that." Sarah handed Dan his receipt, "it was nice to see you again Dan."

"You too." Dan waved a goodbye and pushed the heavy door out of his way. The rain was subtle today making his journey to the gazebo easy. He sat on the bench gazing at the chipped white paint that showed the wood underneath.

Teenagers could be heard howling at each other from the baseball field. Dan watched them light cigarettes in the dugout their feet above their heads covered in black ripped clothes from head to toe. One of them had bright red hair and a shaved side. She passed the joint to another kid with long brown hair.

Dan watched them like a movie scene. His feet itched with curiosity wanting to walk over and join them. It was wrong, Dan knew that but his curiosity didn't know what wrong was, only caring about discovering the unknown. Fortunately, reason won out this battle and Dan decided to stay in his old little white gazebo surrounded by over watered plants.

Taking out his other book Dan read page after page getting lost in the words.

How could anyone deny the beauty of poetry?

Dan decided Phil was crazy. That would explain the whole starting over thing and how with a simple question his eyes could go from a rippling tide full of love and comfort to a frozen lake not allowing anything below the surface.

Dan sighed and closed his book not being able to get his mind off Phil. It was useless to try and read when he constantly had to reread the pages his mind drifted off on. Checking his phone Dan got up and walked over to Lenny's.

Entering the place Dan saw Phil already working, helping a customer.

Running over to him Dan saw the confusion in his eyes but his face hid it well. His lips were drawn in a straight line and eyebrows pulled down in concentration.

"You need help?" Dan asked.

"No, it's just a regular coffee and a scone, I got this." Phil shooed Dan off with a hand and Dan smiled at him.

Jumping over the counter Dan ventured to the break room where he set down his backpack, taking out Graffiti. Yanking on the familiar brown apron Dan saw Phil grabbing a scone out of the display case.

"Are you new or something?" The customer asked, "I've never seen you here."

"Yeah, he is Catherine." Dan smiled at the regular.

"Ah." She nodded, "thanks for your help." Catherine grabbed the bag and coffee after paying for her things. She went over to the table filled with creamers and sugar adding in some extras and putting a lid on her coffee.

"Wow, I'm so proud of you." Dan beamed at a blushing Phil, "you did that by yourself."

"Thanks." He nodded and the blush faded away from his pale skin, "is that the poetry book you wanted to lend me?"

"Yes." Dan handed him the small white book, "it's very very good and I'm positive you'll love it."

"Positives' a strong word." Phil grabbed the book brushing his cold fingers against Dans warm ones. He placed it on the shelf by the door leading upstairs.

"Yes but this is a very good book." Dan smiled, "why do you doubt me?"

"I just never liked reading, told you that. If I seem a bit reserved that's why."

"That still doesn't wrap around my head." Dan smiled, "plus you seem like the type to be really into the arts and such."

"Why do you say that?" Phil quipped.

"Because you dress like it." Dan laughed, "I mean, I love your clothes. It's not a bad thing to like art. I love all forms of art."

"You never mentioned that in your summery yesterday?" Phil smirked, "plus all my clothes are from goodwill so they are probably a bit strange."

"It isn't that important." Dan shrugged, "to others I mean. Usually people write me off as that weird kid who's nose is always buried in a book, whether I'm reading one or sketching in it."

"Is that a bad thing?" Phil asked.

"Maybe." Dan shrugged, "I don't know."

"I don't think it's a bad thing." Phil looked out the window, "I think it's pretty cool. I never was able to have the patients for art."

"Everyone has the patients for some sort of art. You just haven't found something you like yet."

"Maybe." Phil shrugged, "shouldn't it be busy soon?"

"Yeah." Dan nodded eyeing up Phil's side complexion. His eyelashes are long and hit the tops of his eyelids when he blinks. His nose is rounded and dips down at the end. His obviously dyed black hair falls around his white skin with effortlessness. Dan smiles just watching him.

Snapping out of his daydream Dan watches a group of young girls enter the shop. Smiling as a greeting Dan helps them.

An: okay okay I know I already updated this today but I love writing this so much so..! Plus I'm on spring break AND sick so I had a hella lot of time.

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