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"We don't have to go." Dan hung around Phil's arm trying to pull him away from the tattoo and piercing place. 

Rolling his eyes Phil stopped and looked down at Dan, "I'm doing this and so are you. I'm getting an awesome flower on my arm and you're getting your nose pierced."

Dan furred his eyebrows in worry, "What if you regret it, what if my drawing isn't good enough?"  He was visibly nervous, his hands were shaking and a sheen of sweat began to form on his forehead. 

Phil laid his hands on Dans shoulders and looked him straight in the eyes, "Daniel James Howell. I told you a billion times I love it more than anything. It is the most beautiful painting and I wouldn't be able to imagine anything better than it."  Phil smiled and searched Dans eyes to try and find something besides fear. 

Dan let his gaze drop, "You say that now but what about later."

"Piss off to later." Phil tilted Dans chin up so that they Phil could look deep into his eyes, "later doesn't matter when you're this happy about now. And if I do regret it later then I'll get it covered or something. It's very small and with light colors so it won't be hard. I'm not planning on regretting it, though."

Sighing Dan shook his head, "I can't believe I'm missing school for this."

"Are you ready?" Phil asked.

"It's crazy that you're asking me that when I'm not the one that's getting forever inked," Dan smiled. Phil grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shop.

There was soft alternative music playing. The walls were covered in tattoo templates and a lady at a desk greeted them with a bright smile. She had dark red hair and sleeves on either arm, "Are you, Phil?"

"Yes." Phil nodded, "And this is Dan." Dan smiled sheepishly behind Phil.

"Who's getting the tattoo and who's getting the nose piercing?" She asked.

"I'm getting this." Phil opened his bag and grabbed his folder out handing the lady Dan's drawing.

"This is really pretty." She nodded, "It shouldn't take long at all either."

"Dan made it," Phil smiled down at the blushing boy beneath him.

The lady motioned them to a door, "Well you have quite the talent, Dan. If nothing works out I'm sure you could make it as a tattoo artist." 

Dan just gave her a shy smile as she opened the door to a small room.  In it was a leather operating chair and a few bar stools. 

"Who's going first?"  She asked typing something into the computer and placing the picture on her table. 

"I will," Dan spoke up for the first time.

"This your first piercing?"  She asked putting on gloves. 

"Yes."  Dan sat down in a stood across from the girl.

"Well, I'm Heather, nice to meet you.  Do you have your paperwork?"  Phil opened his bag once again and handed her the sheets they printed out online.  After scanning through them she smiled, "okay, Dan.  I'm not going to lie to you and say it doesn't hurt because it does.  But the pain only lasts for five minutes at max.  It might feel tender for a few weeks and while it's healing you should use a disinfectant.  I'll give you both some paperwork after we're done on how to treat yourself."

Phil smiled as Dan stretched out his hands nervously, "okay."  Phil reached out and squeezed his hand.

"I'm going to ask you to lay down."  Heather motioned to the bed and so Dan obliged all the while his hand still wrapped around Phil's.  She began to clean Dans nose and used a marker to draw on a spot, "is this good?"

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