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Dan wanted to create. He really did. Wanted to paint, feel the joy of bringing a white canvas to life but he couldn't. He just laid on his bed looking at his ceiling fan circle over and over and over. He just couldn't bring himself to stand up and grab his supplies.

He was even too mentally exhausted to read.

Instead his thoughts were flooded with the memories of last night. How Phil kissed him.

Phil kissed him.

The words still didn't sound right together. It should be 'what if Phil kissed him.'

He sighed and brought his hand up to his mouth letting his finger tug on his lower lip. Phil's lips were here just last night.

Dan didn't even know what that meant. Phil was obviously not as excited as Dan. Why else would he dart away from him but not before insisting it was a mistake? Maybe it was a mistake?

But mistakes are supposed to make you feel bad. Right? They're supposed to teach you and help you grow. So why did Dan not feel a shred of doubt that it was anything from good? Far from bad.

Dan wished that Phil would just tell him stuff. Not only his past but how he feels. Phil was a mystery to Dan. Unreadable, but entrancing.

He ached to feel Phil's skin against his own again. Hoping that he will get to touch him once more. Just the thought of him made Dan squirm. He was just so hypnotizing. His eyes and lips and hands. He was infatuated with him.

He rolled over and tucked his knees up into his chest. He stifled a sign and buried his head into his legs to try and rid his thoughts with no success.

•                        •                       •

By the time Dan had finally stepped outside it was growing dark. The sun sat behind a rain cloud that was waiting to drop its water onto the poor town. It casted rays of soft yellow over the buildings. Dan sighed and kicked at a rock making it jump down the small hill his house sat on.

Phil was somewhere in town, hopefully thinking about him?


Dan was sick of staying inside, he didn't even have to work but he was itching to go to the coffee shop. It is his spot and he doesn't even care if he bumps into Phil. In fact, he'd be kinda glad.

He began his walk, shoving his hands into his pocket. His feet clicked on the dry pavement causing echoes to float through the quiet town.

Passing by the cute corner shops Dan entered Lenny's.

Nick was working alone.  He smiled as Dan sat at a table, "hey Dan."

Dan lifted his chin in response and dragged a hand across the window feeling the cool surface under his fingertips.

Just like Phil.

"What has you so mopey today?" Nick asked, "do you want a caramel macchiato?"

"Sure." Dan nodded. He thought maybe coming here would distract him. How stupid was he to not think that this was the exact place most of his memories with Phil lived. That Phil actually lived here.

Nick began to make Dans drink swinging his hips slightly as he did. Dan chuckled under his breath, "how was the new guy?"

"Phil?" Dan asked. Great. He's really funny and nice and had the softest lips and the coldest touch that sends shivers up my spine and he's great.

"Yeah." Nick nodded, "Lenny said that you two were bonding quite well."  His voice almost seemed tight.

Dan smiled at him, "yeah I guess so."

"You stayed the night?" He raised an eyebrow and any prior moments of jealousy were gone, "keeping safe I presume?"

Dan rolled his eyes, "sure, Nick."

Nick laughed and folded his arms, "find out why he's so mysterious?"

"Nope."  Dan felt uncomfortable and shifted in his seat.  He didn't like talking about that.  Not when it was so personal to Phil, so personal that he had nightmares about it.  Nick didn't need to know anything.  It wasn't his business and it wasn't Dans.

Nick sat the mug down on the table in front of Dan and sat down across from him, "Sam said she thinks he's like a druggie who decided that his old place ran dry." 

Dan shrugged and sipped at his drink letting the warmth flood over him, he was really starting to have it with all of this Phil talk. 

"Maybe he-"

"Maybe he just wants to start over and us contemplating what happened is just what he doesn't need."  Dan snapped and saw Nicks eyes grew.  Dan didn't even care he was clearly stepping over a boundary.

"Damn." Nick raised his hands up, "was just trying to start conversation."

"We can literally talk about anything besides that."  Dan said flatly, "like let's talk about music."

Nick let the awkward moment tumble away just as fast as it came and for that Dan was grateful, "okay so I've been listening to Death Cab For Cutie recently and.."

Dan spaced.  He traced the edge of his mug with his finger daydreaming about Phil. About him walking down those steps and yanking him away to his apartment and kissing him again.  He could imagine how his lips tasted like cigarettes and how they would feel on his neck.  And he could imagine running away with him and never looking back.

AN: kinda boring I know :/ but I've been thinking about how I'm going to end this and in p excited.

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