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Dan wonders how art would be without sadness. It seems so much beauty is created by a depressed mind. He thinks about what his life would be like without some of the most beautiful poems written by a hand wanting to die. Dan wonders if that's why people enjoy his art. Because he is sad. Because when he is sad all he can do is pick up a paintbrush and hope the bright colors fills the cracks in his heart.

He ponders that a lot. Maybe then if these people did get help they would then create happy art? Poems written about skies of grey replaced with the joy of sprouting flowers. Maybe no poems would be created at all. That the real poetry would be in the way they truly smile and how their eyes roll back as they laugh.

But Dan is never as successful with a mind full of happy. It all seems... sloppy. Like a false curtain hiding the real emotions Dan feels.

Because everyone knows that there is no feeling like sadness. There is no amount of joy that could compare to the heart shattering, soul crushing feeling of sadness. The dark looming sickness of sadness that seems to follow many artists through life. Dan just wants everyone happy.

Certainly others would too?

Dan peels away from his thoughts and returns to reality.

The dark sky is heavy with rain, no one would dare venture out to get coffee on a day like today.

Rain pounds on the glass and Dan has to squint his eyes to see past a foot of the outside.

These days are not uncommon but when they happen people tend to curl up in their homes. Dan was more than okay with that.

He got to spend some time with Phil. Phil who happens to be about five minutes late. Feeling lonely he just wishes his co-worker would show up.

Hearing thumping echo through the building Dan sees Phil running down the stairs.

Dan greets Phil with a smile and Phil returns it.

"The weather is terrible." Phil pauses to look out the window so Dan is faced with only his back. He shoves his hands into his pocket and turns to face Dan, "is there actually going to be anyone coming in today?"

"I highly doubt it."  Dan says and jumps onto the counter crossing his legs.

"That's cool."  Phil smiles and jumps onto the counter to face Dan.

"Yeah."  Dan nods and looks into Phil's ocean eyes.  They're wet with waves that tumble around in his orbs.  They clash together sending ripples of green and blue to toss about.  There seems to be a sun in his eyes because flickers of yellow are casted out onto the sea, "please tell me about yourself."

Phil looks down and picks at his jeans, "of course you'd ask that." 

"I mean- I'm sorry to bombard you like that but I can't not ask."  Dan tries to meet Phil's eyes again but they are lost under his hair. 

"I told you.  I came from upper north and I just want to start over." Phil doesn't look up, "I didn't like the way things played out there and I don't feel like sharing." 

"I understand that but tell me more about yourself."  Dan inched closer to him, "you're more than your story." 

Phil finally shows his face, "what do you want to know?"

"His old are you?"  Dan starts, "I'm eighteen."

"Nineteen."  Phil smiled at Dan.

"Favorite flower." 

"Uh- maybe like a daisy?"  Phil nods, "yes, daisies."

"Rose.  I like classic I guess."  Dan thinks for a moment, "favorite band."

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