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Phil draped his new clothes into his dresser. It was a good call to go to the thrift store. Although it was a trip to bike there and haul all his things back. Phil planned on getting a cellphone soon enough.

He was starting work next week and everything would settle into place then.

He assumed that if anything would happen it'd be this week.

"You selfish, selfish pig!" A vase was thrown to miss.

Phil's eyes were clouded with thick tears. They spilled down his rosy cheeks.

Shards of the green vase exploded around him like dust. 

"I'm so sorry."  Phil whispered ducking his head in shame.  He didn't have to look up to see the anger in their eyes.  He felt it.  The room was full of it.

Phil woke from the flashback to find himself rocking in the corner of his room tears rolling down his face.  His nails dugs into the floor causing the tops of them to bleed.

Regaining his consciousness he stood up and dragged his hand across his face to throw away the tears.

Going to the bathroom he rubbed his hands together to wash away the blood a stern look on his face.  His stomach leaped at the sight of it.  It seemed so much more when mixed with the water.

Looking up in the mirror Phil gasped.  When he wiped his face he smeared the blood under his eyes.  Falling back into the shower behind him he hit down the curtain. It fell over him so he was engulfed in the darkness.

Cursing under his breath he stood up and threw the curtain back into the tub. He turned to the sink and scrubbed away at his face to rid himself of the blood.

Walking out of the bathroom Phil made his way to the window. Watching the sun behind the clouds cast lazy rays of light into the house as Phil gnawed at the inside of his mouth.  The town was silent.

Probably because everyone is either at school or work.

Phil watched the wind move the tree that stood a few feet away from the apartment.

Throwing the window blinds close Phil walked away from the door and sat down on the couch. It was stiff and uncomfortable.

Sighing Phil gave up on the blue couch and stood up. He walked around the apartment finding his way to a painting hung up on the wall.

It was of an ocean. Waves lapped in the scene, white and blue curling onto a soft beach the sun high in the sky. Phil laid a limp hand on the painting letting his fingertips feel the dips of paint strokes. It was some type of acrylic. Something that would allow texture into the piece.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knocking at the door.

Turning away from the picture letting his hand set on its surface for as long as he could he walked towards the wooden door. Opening it he saw Lenny stood outside.

"Hello Mr. Lester." He smiled a bright smile.

"Good afternoon Lenny." Phil said in a cool tone.

"I just wanted to drop off your schedule for the month." His shaky hands fumbled in his tote bag.

"Thank you again for everything."

"Of course. I mean I could use another staff member and I can't argue with a bit more money from rent." He handed Phil a folded paper, "no one has wanted to rent out that place in years. The hotel down the street seemed much more posh."

"That's such a shame. It really is beautiful here." Phil nodded, "do you need any help with anything at the moment?"

"No, no, that's fine. You just go back to whatever you were doing."

"Okay, well you know where I am if you need anything at all." Phil watched the man form another bright smile.

"Thank you, Phillip." He turned away as Phil closed the door behind him.

Opening the sheet of paper Phil walked to the kitchen and, using a magnet already there, hung up the schedule.

Phil yawned and trained his eye on the painting imagining it as if he were there, it's waves bursting into life. He imagined a young girl with her father playing in the sand as sun bounces off of their shoulders.

Curling his toes he could almost feel the sand underfoot and the cool water lapping at his feet.

He could imagine the salt from the ocean trailing to his nose.

An: I know these chapters are short but they just feel better shorter, ya know? Or maybe you don't. Idk.

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