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Phil climbed the warn down stairs his feet making loud thumping noises that echoed through the building. Flickering lights hung low so Phil had to duck.

Phil applied for a job here and after the interview he complained of not having a place to live. Conveniently enough there was an extra bedroom above the coffee shop next to the old man.

Turning the key in the door Phil had to push it a bit to budge. This place has obviously not been visited in a while. The large window parallel of the door casted long streams of light into the small living room. The kitchen was tucked in the corner. It was very small but adorable. The wood had small flower engravings covering it's white service colored in blue and pink. The floor was a deep wood that was covered by a large carpet in the living room area.  There was an old blue couch and a small tv. The doors beside it were open revealing a small bathroom and large bedroom.

Phil shut the front door and wandered to the bedroom dumping his one and only bag onto the quilt. He had very little. He just took what he thought he really needed.

A stack of old photos hidden behind a framed ocean painting. He set it on his dresser and looked into the mirror. Every time he saw his new hair he was taken aback. It made his face look less friendly. More intimidating. It was just what he needed though. He cut his long shaggy hair only yesterday into a neat fringe. He left all his clothes at his old home now only having an old pair of jeans and a dark hoody. He bought the bike back at his town before finally dying his hair at a gas station.

Looking away from his reflection he rummaged threw his other things. He had a stack of money that needed to last him a while. He also bought some essentials like hygiene products. He needed to get food yet.

Phil sighed at the thought of food. It's been two days since he ate anything. He had to bike as far away as possible and that meant no stops. He hoped he could go grocery shopping tomorrow and maybe get a phone.

It's hard work starting over.

Taking a few pounds out of his stack he hid the rest in a plastic bag and shoved it under a loose floor board. Running a hand through his hair he walked down the stairs and into the coffee shop.

The old man was no where to be seen but a women with bright hair stood at the register.

"You must be Phil?" She asked.

"Uh yes." Phil pursed his lips and looked up at the menu, "what food do you recommend?"

"The wrap is pretty good." She smiled, "want me to get you one?"

"That would be great." Phil nodded and leaned against the glass counter, "could I also have an ice tea and a muffin?"  Phil was hoping his stomach was not growling too loud.

"So you're working here now?" She asked as she reached inside the fridge.


"Where are you from Phil?"

"Northern more, a small town." Phil didn't want to give anything away. It was dumb because obviously this women wouldn't know anything but he didn't want to risk it. He was starting over.

"I could tell, that accent of yours is pretty thick." She laughed, "my name is Betty."

"Nice to meet you."  Phil looked down at the rows of pastries.  Sucking the inside of his cheek he tried to resist the urge to jump the counter and just eat.

"Lenny was very fond of you.  He said he likes your quietness." 

Phil flashed a very forced smile, "glad he did."

"Here you go."  Betty placed Phil's things on the counter and rung him up, "since you work here now you get fifty percent off."

"Okay."  Phil handed Betty a twenty and watched her long fingernails shift through the change drawer.

"You'd think it's nice but it's hard to keep a slim waist when you're surrounded by muffins."  Betty laughed.

Phil was just hoping this lady would hurry up so he could finally eat.  But he nodded in response and shoved his change in his pocket.  Grabbing the small paper bag Phil turned around and as he did he ran into something covered in water.

Looking up he saw the boy from earlier.  For a moment their eyes connected and Phil watched his mouth fall open slightly.

"Sorry."  He mumbled as Phil ran back up the stairs.

An: spring break is a day away and I'm pumped y'all.

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