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Phil felt a warm hand wrap in his it tugging him away from his task. He instantly knew it was Dan. No one else has that warm of skin. Yanking his gaze away from his bike he ran with Dan in an utter confusion.

"Dan." Phil stumbled behind the boy who's mind seemed to be in another world.

He stopped abruptly making Phil slam into his back huffing a groan. They were standing behind the library in front of a bright garden.

"Dan. What the hell?" Phil yanked his arm away crossing his arms, "I was going to go to the grocery store."

Dan turned around his eyes squinting from the sun.

You know how people say that brown eyes are boring? Yeah that's complete and utter bullshit. There was nothing boring about them. The way the light caught the usual dark brown making it transform into a golden hue. How the color seemed to swirl around in a blaze of purity.

"I wanted to show you something." Dan smiled and held out his hand.

Phil shook his head, "tell me."

Dan turned around and walked through the garden dragging his hand on the flowers as he passed making them bend under the pressure. He walked up to a white gazebo and sat down on a blue blanket.

Phil proceeded cautiously unfolding his arms to see a ton of daisies littered around the small inclosure.

"Fuck off." Phil laughed looking at Dan patting a spot across from him.

He dropped his arm, "what?"

"No." Phil laughed even more, "just-just put this all away." He turned away and began to walk before a hand once again grabbed him. This time it wrapped around his arm and spun him around.

"Why are you leaving?" Dan asked. He was shorter than Phil, easily, and seemed so innocent with his eyebrows pulled up and cheeks flushed.

Phil looked up so he didn't have to look at his eyes anymore, "because this is dumb."

"I'm doing something nice for you?" Dan mumbled before raising his voice, "can't I do something nice?"

"You- but this is not me." Phil gestured to the gazebo, "I'm not some John Green fairy tale. I don't do the whole cliché thing."

"What if I do?" Dan folded his arms, "and what if I wanted to thank for letting me stay over last night?"

"Then just say thank you." Phil locked his eyes with Dan and almost felt bad. Almost. This was incredibly dumb and cheesy.

"I'm not a 'just say thank you' kinda guy." Dan lifted out his hand again, "now take my damn hand and let me spoil you for one fucking day."

Phil rolled his eyes and let Dan take his hand pulling him to the gazebo,

"Now, I got some of your favorite flowers and this blanket that happens to be your favorite color." Dan drops Phil's hand and sits down on the blanket.

Phil nods, "thanks," trying to sound thankful but it came across a little sarcastic.

"Oh, I also got this." Dan dug through his pocket and pulled out a package of cigarettes.

Phil smiled and took it, it's not like he didn't have another carton in his pocket but hey, he'll take it, "thank you." Phil said again but this time he meant it and Dan picked up on that. He straightened his back and fiddled with a flower.

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