Chapter 19

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It's been four days since we were here, everything was going smooth till now. No one discover I was Sarah the girl they knew, even though Granny Michelle still look at me with suspicion.

We went to the town for the first 2 days, we went to the cinema, shopping and visit around. Even though I know the place, I act as if I don't.

Before yesterday Jordan took us to a lake. A waterfall finishes in it. I remember this place. Now I know where the certain of the pack members hid. Years ago when my dad's grandpa came, he settled here because of this waterfall. He fell in love with this place.

With years they created a passage behind the waterfall. Only pack members knew about it. Whenever there was an attack or a threat, all children, women and elders hide here. It was also Sam and I paly place. Whenever I was upset and sad, I'll come and lay on the grass by the lake. The water falling always calmed me.

The day Jordan brought us, we fished and swam in the lake and camped there. I completely refused when Kevin proposed the idea. The forest still freak me out and this forest in particular.

But as the girls were insisting, I agreed to please them. I stick by Ben side the whole time like glue and Ben did not complain once. He loved me being there, every 10 to 15 minutes he would kiss me. And I loved that.

That night we made love in the tent, with everyone in their tent around near. I had to hold my voice which was very difficult. I felt myself blushing. Ever since the day we came here, every night he showered me his love.

And Julie and Jordan are going out. That was fast, Julie accepted when he asked to be his girlfriend. I know he will never hurt her.

Yesterday we stayed in the whole day and watched TV; Chick flick, horror, action. I cuddled with the whole time, then he disappeared when I fell asleep. Since we came here at a point in the day all the boys will disappeared somewhere and returned 1 or 2 hours later.

When I asked Ben he said 'Boys stuff'. I did not questioned him further, I didn't want to be the clingy type of girlfriend.

**Ryan POV**

I woke in cold sweat. I have been having these nightmares since I returned from Sarah's place. I looked by side, Elizabeth was sound asleep, she had her arm over my waist with her head resting on my bicep. I moved her hair away from her face and admire her sleeping face. She was so beautiful.

She is the only one I can reform my family. I was so happy when I met her. Ever since I lost everything because of William, I was eager to meet my mate after Ben father accepted and adopted me. I waited impatiently.

I needed to shift and go for a run.

I moved slowly away from her embrace, grab a shirt and moved out of the door quietly without waking her up. Once out of the house, I went behind the trees, removed my clothes and let it by the tree and shift in wolf.

I was all white except for my left ear and left paws were brown. I ran through the forest to stop by the lake Jordan took us. I sat on the grass and looked at the water falling. It calmed me.

Ever since I left Sarah's house, I have been having this nightmare in which I fall from a cliff. The name 'Sam' echoing, the same name Sarah's mother mention but no explanation was given on who it was, We had to leave.

The first thing ever I remember in my life, is waking up in a cold and dark room with my ankles and hands chained. I couldn't remember who I was. I don't know how many days it been after someone came in. That person only beat me and called me several names and that person was William.

I was not given any food, then one day they took me out and made me work for them as servant. These people never stay in the same place for long. When I asked about my parents, all I got back were several bruises.

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