Chapter 20

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Why is this happening? Why again.

William. He standing right in front of me, looking at me down on the ground. There were 3 men and 2 werewolves behind him.

I have to run, I got and turned to my left towards the pack. But William caught my forearm and pulled me to his chest. I could feel his disgusting breath on my neck as he leaned forward to me.

"Hmm, what a nice scent you have honey," He whispered as he sniff my hair.

"Let go," my voice cracked. I stood stiffed, I was too scared to move.

"Oh, that's impossible now honey. I think you will be a beautiful mother to our children." He said in a disgusting voice, I looked into his eyes shocked with his statement. His eyes were black with lust. I felt nauseous.

"No!" I struggled in his captivity. He chuckled at my behaviour.

I lifted my knee and kicked him in his balls. He instantly fell on his knees as he groan with pain. I took the opportunity and ran.

Unfortunately those werewolves came in front of me, making me stop abruptly. As I turned back, William was back on his feet and marched furiously to me.

He grabbed my hair and pulled it down, making me look up at him. I yelped with pain. I closed my eyes and called Ben's name.

Just then William was knocked off his feet, away from me by a white werewolf. The werewolf was all white except that his left ear and paws were brown.


That's impossible. Sam can't be alive, I saw him falling.

William's werewolves jumped on my saviour. He was strong, he snapped one's head and bitted the other one neck removing some flesh. He ran to me and stood in front of me as my shield. He growled at William and his companions.

The white werewolf shifted back to his human form. I gasped surprised. Not surprised by the fact that he his stark naked but by that the fact that this werewolf is Ryan.

Ryan is Sam. No, that makes no sense. But this resemblance, No!

What shocked me more was what Ryan said after, "Princess run away, go and call the others." I stood there freeze at his words. His turned his head to me and looked into my eyes, "Run princess." He smiled. Sam.

I turned and ran. I started yelling Ben's name, then Jordan's realising that Ben won't be much help compared to Jordan is a werewolf will be able to call the other members.

I continued running, no one respond to my cries. Worried about Ryan I ran back to them despite the fear. When I reached there, Ryan was pinned down by three werewolves. William was nowhere to be seen. I looked around and found a dead truck.

Despite deprived of my werewolf powers I dragged the trunk, lifted it up and hit one wolf. He instant passed out. Ryan fought the other 2 and looked at me. Then Ben and the guys came running to us.

"Sarah!!" Ben cried as he took me in his arms. He didn't seemed shocked at the werewolf beside me.


We all turned to the source of the voice. There stood William with an amused expression on his face.

"Sarah. That name rings a bell." He said thinking, then his expression change to a smirk. He remembered, "Sarah. Sarah Smith. Alpha Leo Smith's dear daughter. And you lad," he said indicating to Ryan, "You are still alive. Brother and sister reunion, Sam Smith." He stated and threw his head back and laughed out loud.

Just then more werewolves emerged from behind of him. Everyone was surprised at what William just said. Ben and the other stared at me and Sam. Even if I know that's not true that Sam might still be alive.

When William's werewolves ran towards us, Ryan stood in defence mode. Ben dragged me to a tree and begin to move back to the rogue. I pulled him to me and hugged. He would get himself kill.

I didn't want to lose him. He moved out of my arms and went to the other. They all human, they won't even stand against them.

However when Ben joined Ryan he shifted into black wolf and after him everyone shifted. Ben was a werewolf. So were Eliza, Gwen, Kevin and Julie.

Oh my god. I can't believe this. My boyfriend is a werewolf. The person I love the most is the creature that I loathed. Why did this had to happen to me?

I cannot no longer be with him. I love him so much. Tennyson. The pack next town Alpha's were the Tennyson. That's mean that Ben is the next Alpha or was already.

Being by his side, would mean every minute the fear that I might lose him. Worse than that he might leave me when he will find his mate.

Lost me in my thought, I forgot the scene in front of me. They were all fighting ferociously. The grass was now redden with blood, there were corpse of dead wolves. I could not distinguish who was who. Except Ben and Sam.

Not Sam, Ryan. My heart pained, I might get my lost brother while losing the love of my life. I felt my cheeks damped, tears were running down my face like a stream.

"I'll be back," yelled a voice. Snapped out of my thoughts once again I looked at the person. It was William, he looked at me and smirked, "Especially for you honey." Then he shifted and ran away.

No one went to his pursue, they just turned back to me silently. I made my way to the white wolf, who watched me walk. That sparkle, I knew it. I stood in front of him and looked into his eyes. I gulped, he was bigger now. I hesitantly lift my hand towards him. He bowed his head seeing my hand. I jerked back when he suddenly moved.

I still fear them, no matter who they might be to me. I step forward and pet his head, he leaned in my hand letting a happy howl. Sam, how?

An angry growled came followed by another. As I looked by my side, a sandy brown wolf was walking to me a bit angry. I moved close to Sam, Ben black wolf moved stepped ahead of the other wolf whom I don't know was. They both growled at each other.

Suddenly black dots started dancing in front of my eyes. Before I realise I found myself falling down and complete black out.    

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