Chapter 7

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*** Ben POV****

“What the heck do you think you are doing” I said fuming. Ryan still had hold of me hand, I shaked his hand away.

Even after letting go of my hand, he still kept glaring at me. His facial expressions changed all a sudden when he realised what he has done.

“Ah! I’m so-sorry Ben, I don’t know what really took me to do this. “

“You better know, coz I didn’t like it.”

“I-I just had this strong feeling to protect her,” Ryan stammered once again. “However the way you were behaving was not correct.”

“You’ve got nothing to tell me whether I’m right or not. Get the idea in your mind, I don’t want you to repeat this mistake again.” I said firmly and made my way out. Once out I search for Sarah’s scent and followed it till the staff room. What was she doing in the staff room? The door was slightly open, peeked inside and saw talking to our biology teacher Mr Martine.

“Sir I won’t be able to participate for the outdoor project, I am ready to do any other assignment or test.”

“I’m sorry Miss Smith, no change is allowed to be conducted. You will have to participate or otherwise 50% of our marks will be deducted.”

“Okay then, I’ll do it. Thanks for your assistance sir.” Said Sarah and walked to the door with Elizabeth. I quickly hide behind some lockers. Sarah closed the door and leaned against the wall.

“Why don’t you want to do the project Sarah?” asked Elizabeth, “Is it because of ben?”

She does not want to because of me, does she hate me?

“No; he is not the problem. It’s me, I hate forests” said Sarah dolefully.

“Why?” Eliza questioned her

“Because……”Sarah looked the opposite corridor, avoiding Eliza’s graze. As if searching for an answer. “Because of bugs, I really despite them.” She confessed with disgust. Even she said so, there seemed to have fear rather than disgust in her eyes. The other day in class also she zone out when the teacher said ‘forest’. There seems to be something behind.

“What are you going to do about Ben?” Eliza chime in smiling at Sarah.

“What to do? There is nothing to.” Sarah said nonchalantly.

“Won’t you give him an answer?” Eliza started.

“Already said him no, I have no interest in going out with him for dinner or for whatever reason else. He already has someone with whom he can go. This can be even be called cheating I go with him maybe, right?” she exclaimed.

“Don’t know that, but I can definitely say that Ben is a very good person. It will be the most wonderful thing if Ben broke up with Julie. He is not really that fond of her, however I know for sure he will not break up until unless he…” Eliza stopped in daze, realising the reason. She knew now that Sarah is my mate.

“Unless what?” Sarah waited Eliza to complete her sentence.

 Eliza looked at her and smile, “… unless he understand how Julie is a bitch.” She lied. “Let’s head to our next class or we will be late.” Eliza chuckled and walked before Sarah. Then Sarah tag along and walked beside her.

Ben is Sarah your mate?” I heard Eliza’s voice in my head.

“She is.”

“OMG. This is the best, my best friend is my Luna, I am so happy for you.” She said happily. “But what are you going to do with Julie?”

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