Chapter 1

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The sun rays shine through the curtains in the window. Reflecting the tinted windows and making haunting shadows on the white walls. The room is coated with neutral colors. Black, white , grey are the only colors illuminating the room.

"You're early."

A deep voice wakes me from my thoughts. I am standing in the doorway just beyond the threshold. I have a coffee in one hand and my handbag on the other. I don't see Mr. Anderson in the room so he must be in the bathroom.

"I didn't wanna be late on my first day Sir." I say my voice coming out hoarsely than I intended to. I hope he doesn't notice the nervousness in my voice.

I cleared my throat. "And I wanted to make a good first impression" my voice now coming out more clearly.

"Well then, I must be making quite an impression now would I?" He says as he walks out of the bathroom.

I gasp when I saw him clad only in a towel around his waist. His naked torso clearly visible. He looks like he could be a model in some fashion industry. Focus Amelia.

He smirks when he sees my reaction. Appalling reaction if you ask me.

"Stop standing there like a statue and get me my suits will you? From tomorrow I expect you to get my suits ready after I shower. I don't tolerate lazy people Miss Grayson." He says sternly looking at me.

"Yes Sir."

"You can call me Lucas when we're outside the office." He says coming towards me.

"Yes sir um I mean Lucas." I'm very uncomfortable about this whole first name basis thing. I think there should be a fine border between am employer and an employee. But I'm not gonna tell him what I think if I don't want to get fired on my first day. The other staffs had warned me about his addiction to firing his employees in the snap of a finger. I can't get fired on my first day. This job is really important to me. I need this job as much as I need oxygen to breathe.

"Is that for me?" He questions pointing at the coffee in my hand.

"Yeah its black coffee sir." I hand him the coffee. I was informed that he only drinks black coffee. Personally I hate coffee. I prefer tea.

"Lucas." He corrects me as he takes the coffee from me.

I enter his room and approach his closet. I open it to see a row full of black suits with matching black ties on the other side. What is it with him and the color black? Black coffee, black suits, black furniture. Does this guy think he's from Men In Black? I do hope its not the color of his soul. I take out a suit for him and place it on the bed.

"I'll wait by the car." I excuse myself.

Just as I reached downstairs, my phone buzzed in my bag. A smile breaks on my face when I see who the caller is.

"Hey miss me already?" I answer cheerfully.

"Shut up! I'm still mad at you for leaving me without any notice. How could you do that?" He practically screams. Well so much for a greeting.

"I miss you too Matty." I tease.

"I'm serious Ems."

"I did leave a note didn't I?" I huff in annoyance.

"That was a freaking post it! A post it is irrelevant. Has our friendship mean this little to you for you to leave me a freaking post it?" A tone of hurt visible in his voice.

I've had this coming. I knew he would be upset about leaving him. "I'm sorry Matty. Hey you know Meredith and McDreamy got married through a post it. Its a thing!" I exclaim.

"Ugh this is not the time for your stupid soap operas analogy!" He sounds almost angry.

"Grey's Anatomy is anything but stupid. You loved that show admit it!" I defend.

I can hear him groaning loudly. He never wins our arguments. He should know that by now.

"Can we go now?" I hear Lucas behind me. He looks handsome with his suit. His defined stature compliments his gentlemen look. He looks intimidating even.

"I gotta go. I'll talk to you later Matty." I end the call without waiting for his response.

We get in the car and head for the office. This is it. My first day of work. I never thought I would be working at a Publishing company let alone live in a big city by myself. But circumstances has led to this so I brace myself. I need to make this work. I convince myself once again that this is what I want. What I need.

"We're here, Mr Anderson." The driver pulls to a stop in the driveway.

I take a deep breath and get out of the car. The building is quite big. My office should be in the top floor, near Mr Anderson's office. I hope its not one of those office where there's just a chair and a single table with piles of paper on top. As we enter the building, the office staffs greets Mr. Anderson. He gives them a curtly nod without so much of a glance. He rushed through the corridor as I practically run after him. I want to make a good impression since its my first say so I smile and greet everyone politely.

"Aren't you coming Miss Grayson?" He taps his foot indicating his impatience. He's on the elevator waiting for me. I run towards towards the elevator. In a rush I slipped and bumped into someone. I felt hot liquid being poured on my chest. I look down to see that my supposed beige blouse was turning brown in coffee stain. Well there goes my attempt of making a good first impression.

"Shit I'm so sorry." The guy who just poured coffee on me apologizes as he frantically looks for a tissue to help me with. Poor guy looks so scared. I tell him its okay even though its remotely okay to spill coffee all over someone's new blouse.

"You're fired." Mr. Anderson glares at coffee guy.

Uh oh.



There it is! The first chapter. I'm so excited about my first ever book. Yayy! I hope you enjoyed it. I know not much is happening yet but I promise you a lot of crazy stuff is about to unfold in the near future.

Thank you for reading. Happy reading!


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