Chapter 12

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I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face, as I toss to turn away from the light. I don't want to get up and face the day. I'd rather lay here all day. I turn away once more from the light. Its too bright and its making my eyes scrunched.

"Sleepyhead time to wake up!" I hear Matt's voice. Why am I hearing his voice so early in the morning anyway?

I pull my pillow up to cover my ears and try to regain my sleep once more.

I feel a tug of the covers away from me and I'm instantly engulfed with the cold air. My pillow that I used to cover my ears are being swung away, quite brutally. I suddenly realize that I live alone, so I get up instantly from the bed and stand up, opening my eyes wide, with my fists balled. I'm met with a laughing Matt, who's standing just before me with breakfast in his hands.

"Oh its you." I say and let my hands immediately fall free. I slug down on the bed lazily.

"Duh! Who did you think I was? And seriously did you think you were gonna fight someone like that?" He laughs again, which earns him a glare from me.

"Alright." He regains is composure. "I forgot you weren't a morning person." He puts the plate on the bedside table.

"Never was. Never will be." I say as I pick up the plate and eat the food.  "Mm you should totally consider to be a cook. This is so good." I moan as I devour the rest of it.

"I'm actually thinking of opening a café after I get my degree. You know, just something small, not fancy." He muses.

I absolutely believe Matt is capable of doing anything he puts his mind into. And he's always loved cooking so I'm sure he'll be successful in no time.

"You should totally do that! You know what you should name your café? Amelia's delicacies!" I exclaim, "Since you know I'm a people's person, so you're gonna get a lot of customers."

"No way. You will not have any part," he points his finger at me, "not even your name when I open that café. You'll probably just come and eat all the food, there'll be hardly any left for the customers." He says with a wide grin on his face.

"True." I nod, "But at least you'll never have anything to throw away at the end of the day." I laugh.

Matt shakes his head and chuckles lightly. "So you feeling better today?" He asks as he takes a seat on my bed.

I get up from the bed and tie my hair in a bun. I need to take a shower.

"Yeah I'm fine now. Your hot chocolate did the trick." I smile.

"See? That's the power of me. I can heal people." He brags. "So you're gonna go to work?" He quickly adds.

I enter the bathroom and close the door. "Yeah I think I should. Maybe I should apologize to Lucas. I shouldn't have snapped at him." I say a little louder so Matt can hear me.

"See I knew you'd do the right thing." I hear Matt say. "I'll be downstairs alright?"

"Okay." I quickly shower making sure not to take too long this time. After the shower, I quickly get ready and head downstairs.

I see Matt in the kitchen having his breakfast. It feels warm to have someone in the house when you wake up and go to work. I smile at seeing him, he'll never know how happy I really am to have him here.

"I'm going Matt. See you tonight!" I quickly give him a peck on his cheeks.

He rubs his face with a grimace. "Eww! Mom I'm too old for kisses." He teases.

I laugh as I head out the door and wait for a cab. I look at my phone to see the time, I still got ten minutes. A lot of time to try and explain myself, I think to myself. I just hope Lucas will hear me out without getting mad. I finally get a cab and step inside.

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