Chapter 11

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Matt and I enter inside my apartment, he leads me to my bed and sits me down. Its almost weird having him with me but soothing at the same time. He's always been there for me, even now. I can't believe he's actually here when I need him most.

"Ems lay down. You need to rest." Matt covers me with the blanket.

"Matt I'm fine. But what are you doing here?" I push the blanket off of me.

"You're sick. You have a fever too. Now listen to me before I call your dad." He warns me.

I pout, but oblige at the same time. I lay down and let my body relax in the comfort of the blanket.

"Here take this medicine. It'll help you feel better." He hands me a pill with a glass of water. I take the pill and swallow it whole with water.

"I'll make you a hot chocolate." Matt grins knowing that fact that I love his hot chocolates. "Now take a nap and I'll wake you up when I'm done." He says and leaves my room.

I see my mother's face clearly as she stands beside the door. I call out to her but she doesn't respond. She stands still with the smile I've grown so attached to. I call out to her again, but she just smiles at me.

"Ems wake up." I hear Matt's voice, nudging me lightly on my shoulder.

I open my eyes and meet Matt's worried eyes. When I recover, I realize that I'm in my room, in my bed. It was a dream.

"You were calling your mom in your sleep." Matt pulls me by my arm and sits me up.

"I must have dreamt about her." I say. "I miss her." I admit.

"I know you do." Matt says and sits beside me on the bed. "And I know just the remedy for a nostalgia." He says and hands me a cup of hot chocolate

"My favorite!" I squeal. "Thanks Matt. You have no idea how much I miss this."

"So you only miss my hot choco and not me?" He feigns hurt as he places a hand over his chest.

"Will you kill me if I said yes?" I chuckle.

"You do know I can slip a poison in your hot chocolate and you wouldn't even know?" He says with mischief evident in his eyes.

"Yeah like you would actually poison your best friend."

"Yeah I'll let you off since you're kind of the only friend I got" he says. "I missed you Ems." He hugs me from my side.

"And I missed you too hot chocolate." I say to the cup I'm currently holding and take a sip.

"You're still the same." Matt chuckles beside me. "So you wanna tell me what happened this morning?"

"What do you mean?" I pretend not to know what he's asking. I know that he's curious about why I was acting like that. I'm not sure myself either.

"Like why were you crying and who was that person that was with you? Did he hurt you? If he did, I'm gonna break his legs." Matt growls.

"Woah slow down tiger. He's my boss Lucas. I work for him." I ignore his other question.

"Then why were you crying?" He looks at me, with his eyebrows scrunched up.

I sigh, knowing that Matt would not let this go until and unless I tell him exactly what happened. So I take a deep breath and tell him about everything, from how Lucas asked me out to everything about our fights.

"I just felt like, I don't know, kind of rejected that he thinks I'm just another employee of his. I know we're not exactly together but it'd have made me feel a little bit better if I had someone here who cares for me."

"If you ask me, I don't think he really meant what he said." Matt says.

"Why would you say that?" I ask, genuinely curious as to why Matt would think like that. He hasn't even met Lucas, I don't think he knows how Lucas is.

"I saw the way he looked at you Ems. He seemed to really care about you." Matt looks at me. "Maybe he's exactly like you. Afraid to show is real emotions."

I refuse to look him in the eyes, because if I do I might believe what he says. "No. You don't know him Matt."

"Yes I haven't met him but you know I got a knack at reading people."

Matt's right, he is really good at reading people. That's why everyone likes him, cause he sees the good in everyone.

"Okay. Fine. Maybe you're right." I finally agree.

"I'm not gonna tell you what to do because I know you'll do the right thing." He says, sipping his hot chocolate.

This is one of the many reasons why I love Matt. He trusts me to make my own decisions. Unlike Lucas who always have to have his way in everything I do.

Why am I comparing him to Matt anyway? This fever's really getting to me.

"I never got to ask you. What are you doing here Matt?" I just finished my hot chocolate and set it on the bedside table.

"The last time we talked you seemed really upset so I couldn't stay there knowing you probably hate me, so I took the earliest flight here." He says, sadness glooming in his eyes.

"Aww silly! I could never hate you no matter what, you know that!" I exclaim. "And I'm really glad you came here. I needed you most right now." I hug Matt, taking in his minty scent.

Matt hugs me back, resting his chin on my head. "I really missed you Ems."

Realisation dawns on me suddenly, whether anyone at home knows he came here in New York. I break away from the hug immediately. "Does anyone know you're here?" I ask, fear building up inside my stomach.

Matt understands right away what my concern is. "Nope. I told them I was going to a concert out of town with some friends." He states calmly.

"They bought it?" I inquire.

"Of course! Trust me Ems they won't find out." He comforts me.

There's one thing I've been trying to ignore the whole time ever since Matt arrived. Its nagging me ever since. So I give in and finally ask, "How's dad? Is he home?"

"No the last time I saw him, he said he was going to London for a business trip. Hasn't seen him ever since."

"He hasn't changed huh? I bet he still won't realize that I've left home." I say, tears pooling in my eyes.


Heyy peeps! So Matt's finally here. What did you think of him?

Happy reading!


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