Chapter 19

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I'm sitting on my bed, my suitcase already packed, waiting for a particular someone that will never come. I have this feeling that Lucas will come barging into my room, asking me not to go. But that's just what I want, not something that is likely to happen. I remember the way he looked at me last night, the way his eyes held so much hatred for me, so much hurt, I don't think I could ever forgive myself for making him feel that way. I just wish he would at least listen to my reason.

I let out a final sigh, looking around the room that I have just started to consider a home, and pick up my suitcase. I leave the room with the aching feeling in my chest, the empty feeling inside and the guilt overwhelming my body. I check my phone for the hundredth time, while I wait for a cab. No missed calls, no texts from Lucas.

The ride to the airport feels like the air around me is getting thinner by the minute. I'm suffocating inside and there's nothing I can do about it.

I get to the airport and see my dad out front looking as impatient as ever. He notices me once I get out of the cab. "You're late! You should be here fifteen minutes ago."

I roll my eyes, as if this is what I wanted to do. "I'm here, aren't I?" I shrug.

"Let's go. We're already late." He says and walks inside.

I turn around, still hoping Lucas would somehow show up. But I don't see him anywhere. Why would he be here? He hates me. When I decided to come here, I didn't think this place would hold so much emotions for me. I didn't think I would fall in love. Life is so unpredictable.


After two hours and twenty minutes later, we land in Alabama. The drive to my childhood place is familiar yet eery at the same time. I roll down the window, letting the cool air blow against my skin. The trees by the roadside fly past by in a blur in contrast to the city buildings in New York. I feel like crying and disappearing.

I can see my house from afar, still looking the same as the day I left it. Except the person who makes our house a home is no more. I can't bear to go back knowing that my mother won't be there to welcome me home with open arms. I wipe the stray tear that escaped, taking a deep breath.

"Honey I missed you!" Claire kisses my father once he gets out of the car. I roll my eyes at her sickening behaviour. I know that woman only stays with my father because of his money.

"I have a surprise for you." My father smiles, as if she would be happy to see me. "Amelia come on out." My father addresses me.

Claire face falls slightly as she hears my name but she recovers quickly with a sickly smile on her face. "Amelia sweetie, where have you been? I was so lonely without you." She comes to hug me, but I step back not letting her near me.

"Yeah I bet you must've missed your punching bag huh?" I snicker.

She gasps, eyeing my father. She must be shocked that I said that to her in front of my father, well I'm not the same scared little girl anymore. I will expose what she did to me.

"Amelia!" My father warns me. "Apologize to your mother right now!"

"I would die rather than apologize to her. And she is not my mother!" I yell and rush inside the house. I go directly to my room, shutting the door after me. I plop down to my bed, letting the tears fall freely. I am trapped again, in this hell hole. How am I going to get out this time?

"Amelia open the door!" I hear my father's voice, knocking on my door.

I ignore him. "Amelia!" He yells again.

"Honey I think you should leave her for now. Let me handle her." I hear Claire's voice. I feel sick just seeing that woman, let alone living under the same roof as her.

After a few minutes, Claire knocks on my door again. "Amelia you and I both know what's going to happen if you don't open this door right now." She threatens. She must have returned to her true self since my father is probably in his room.

I get up from my bed, and open the door. "I am not afraid of you anymore." I narrow my eyes at her. "So don't think your little threats will work on me."

"Oh sweetie, I can sense the fear from over here. I know you are shaking inside, crying for help." She smirks. "Guess what, daddy won't save you. What, did you think that he would believe you? Please he thinks you're a nut job!" She seethes.

"I know one day everyone is going to find out what a horrible person you are. And you will pay for everything you did to me!" I spit.

"My, my, look who's acting all brave now. You think running away to a city is gonna make you strong? I will make you suffer just like old times. We will have so much fun together." She gives me a sick smile.

My stomach turns just by seeing her smile in front of me. I know I'm not scared of her anymore, but my body automatically responses to her voice, making me feel weak. I clench my fists, breathing in deeply. I remind myself that I need to stay strong, no matter what. I bite my inner lips, trying my hardest not to cry. If I cry, she wins.

"You are a sick animal!" I say and slam the door on her face. My legs feel weak and I fall down instantly with my back against the door. I pull my knees up, hugging them against my chest. My breathing comes out in irregular motion, and  I can't seem to calm down. I wish my mother was here.

I hear a knock on my door, for the third time today. "Ems?" Its Matt. How did he know I came home?

I quickly get on my feet, turning the door knob, opening it. I see Matt, worry evident in his expression. Once he sees me, he gives me a hug. "Oh Ems, I'm so sorry." He says against my hair. "Your father called just now, saying that you were home. And that I should come see you. I knew something was wrong, when he called me. He sounded really worried."

I let out my sobs come out more freely, hugging him tight. "Matt I'm scared. He found me and-"I sniff. "And he's never gonna let me leave! And Lucas oh Lucas hates me now. He-he found out I lied and-"

"Hey hey its okay. We'll figure it out. Its okay Ems." Matt breaks away from the hug, putting his hands on the sides of my face, looking at me.

"Its not okay! I will never see Lucas again. And- and Claire's gonna torture me again!" I spit out, regretting it immediately after the words leave my mouth. I gasp, putting my hands over my mouth but its too late.

"What did you say?" Matt scrunches his brows, his tone serious.


So Matt finally finds out the truth. What do you think Matt will do?

I don't have time to proofread it so please let me know of any mistakes. Its almost 12am here and I really should be sleeping now. I got a long day tomorrow. So good night dearies!

Love and kisses to everyone of you!

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