Chapter 13

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Picture of Amelia's dress is up there.

I went home early today since the Gala was tonight, I have to get ready and I need to persuade Matt as well.

Matt spits his water out and stands up from the couch.

"You want me to be your what?!" He looks at me with his blue eyes wide open.

"My boyfriend." I say calmly as its not that big of a deal. Leave it to Matt to overreact in every situation.

"You're crazy! I don't wanna be your boyfriend! I love you Ems but not in that way okay." He sits back down on the couch and wipes his shirt that got wet when he spat his water.

"Would you calm down? I don't wanna be your girlfriend either." I cross my arms across my chest. "We're just gonna be pretending alright? I may have told Lucas I had a boyfriend."

"You what? I thought you were trying to apologize to him."

"Yeah it kinda escalated that way." I scratch my head and face Matt. "So would you please do me a favor and be my boyfriend for just one night?"

"What's in it for me?" Matt smirks.

I roll my eyes at him. I knew he wouldn't do it for free. "Food? There's gonna be lots of foods. Delicious delicious foods." I try to bribe him with food, knowing how much he loves food.

"Hmm food." He puts his hand on his chin pretending to think about it. "But no." He says and lays back on the couch.

"Ugh Matty? Pretty please?" I plead.

"Nope!" He says and turns away from me.

I get down from the couch and stand on my knees in front of him. I give him my best puppy dog eyes and pout. "Please with a cherry on top?"

Matt tries to ignore my face before he finally gives in. "Alright! Fine!" He says.

"Yayy! Thank you so much! I love you!" I squeal and hug him.

"Ugh get off me!" He yells as he tries to push me off.

I laugh and let him go. Now that I have a date, what I need is a dress. All I got is my prom dress from high school, but I don't think that will fit me anymore. I need to go shopping.

"Matt?" I call Matt so he could go shopping with me. I know he hates shopping but I'm still gonna take him out.

"Now what?" He groans.

"Let's go shopping!" I exclaim as cheerful as I can.

"No! I already accepted to pretend to be your boyfriend. That's enough sacrifice already!" He scoffed.

"Oh come on! Plus you need something to wear as well." I say and pull him up from the couch.

After a lot of persuading and many vanilla ice creams later. Matt and I finally get the dress and the tux for the Gala. Of course I had to lure him with ice cream every time he whines about going from one store to the next. After that we had a light dinner at McDonalds.

"Ems what's taking you so long?" Matt whined for the past ten minutes. He's waiting for me downstairs. Boys are so lucky they don't have to put makeup on or style their hair or anything that us girls needs to do before going out. They just put on their clothes and they're ready just like that.

"Just a minute!" I say from my room.

"You've been saying that for an hour now!"

I roll my eyes at him, even though he can't see me. Always the one to exaggerate. I put on my matte lipstick and take one final look in the mirror. I look okay I think. I don't usually wear make up but this is an exception, I need to look professional.

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