Chapter 26

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I see Janet beside me taking my blood pressure.

"Sweetie you're gonna be fine." She says, giving me a warm smile. A smile that I have not gotten in so long.

I groan, my head feels like a thousand needles is prickling me at the same time. Once Janet finishes measuring my blood pressure, I lift my hand up to touch my head. I feel a bandage wrapped around my head. I turn my head a little to face Janet.

"What happened to me?" I ask her. "Why am I in the hospital?" My voice barely coming out.

"Sweetie, you were hit in the head. But you're fine. Everything is going to be okay now." She offers me a small smile, holding my hand in between hers.

But I can't register her words, why would I be hit in the head? I don't understand.

I squint, the light in the room is too bright for my eyes. "But who would do that?" I ask her again. She's not making any sense.

"Its Claire." She answers, quietly. "She must've thrown a liquor bottle at you." She says, her eyes holding so much sadness.

At the mention of Claire's name, my eyes go wide, as the scene replays like a haunting movie before my eyes. The shouting. The smell of alcohol. The blood. I remember everything now, Claire did this to me. Tears begin to fall down my face, as I recall the event.

"Claire. She- she did this to me. She-" I start to cry. "I was just trying to help and she-"

"Shh sweetie you're alright now. She won't hurt you anymore." She says, wiping the stray tears from my face. "She's taken care of. Don't you worry about a thing."

"What? What do you mean she's taken care of?" I ask her, curious as to why she would say that.

"Matt informed the police about what happened. She's in jail now." She explains to me.

I have mixed feelings of emotions running in my body right now. The woman who has made my life a living hell is finally in jail. But why am I not happy? Why do I feel sorry for her?

"Sweetie I think you should get some rest okay? I'm going to go check on the other patients. Matt will be here soon." She tells me, and stands up to leave.

"Janet? Did you call my dad?" I ask her.

"No. Matt took care of it. Now get some rest okay?." She says and leaves the room, closing the door behind her.

Will dad finally believe me now? If he doesn't, well then I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave the house. I don't think I'll be able to live there, because I'll be reminded of Claire every second. I need to be free from her, this time for real. I'm not sure whether I'm relieved or sad that this is over, but I do know one thing. I need to see Claire one last time. I need the closure I deserve.

"Hey look who's finally decided to grace us with her presence?" I hear Matt coming inside the room. I turn my head to look at him and see that his face is hidden by the balloons he's holding in his hands.

"Really Matt? Balloons?" I chuckle lightly. I'm still afraid to move much because it hurts a lot worse everytime I move a bit.

"What? You don't like them?" Math pouts, feigning hurt as he put his hand over his heart.

"No I love them. Only one would have suffice, though. Now the room's almost full of balloons." I tell him, giving him a small smile.

"Yeah. I suck when it comes to presents." He says, scratching the back of his head. "But I have another surprise! You'll love it I promise." Matt grins.

"I think the balloons are enough for the day." I say.

"Just wait." He says and opens the door.

I feel everything around me pause for a minute when I see Lucas walking in the room. I suck in a breath at the same time his eyes meet mine. I think my heart just stopped.

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