Chapter 18

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I stand still, unable to say anything while my blood froze. My throat is dry and I feel suddenly dizzy. I knew this day would come one day, but I didn't think it would be so soon. He found me.

"Amelia, what are you doing here?" He asks again in his stern voice.

Lucas shakes me lightly by my shoulders. "Amelia who is he?" He asks.

I look at Lucas, his eyes mixed with concern and curiosity. I wish Lucas wasn't here right now. This is not going to end well.

"He's my father." I finally manage to say.

Lucas lets go of me once he hears me, and steps forward to greet my father. "Oh hello Mr. Grayson, I'm Lucas Anderson. Its a pleasure to finally meet you." He puts his hand out in front of my father.

My father snickers at that. "I am not Mr. Grayson. I'm Henry. Henry Jenkins." My father shakes Lucas's hand.

Lucas looks shocked to hear that, but he recovers quickly. "I'm sorry. It was my mistake." He looks over at me questioningly. I can't even bear to look at Lucas right now. He must have so many questions, but I will tell him everything later.

"Dad please. I can explain everything." I beg, looking at my father.

My father's face is twisted in confusion, then his lips stretch to a smirk. "Yes please explain. I'm listening."

"Dad, not here." I'm on the verge of tears.

"Why? Afraid your boyfriend might find out the truth?" My father looks at Lucas, then at me.

"Amelia, what is he talking about?" Lucas asks me, narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yes, why don't you tell him Amelia?" My father crosses his arms across his chests. "Why don't you tell him about how you lied about your identity?"

"Amelia?" Lucas asks me again. I look up to him and see that his face is red anger. "You lied to me?"

"No, Lucas its not like that."

"Does your boyfriend know how you abused your mother before you left?" My father cuts in.

The tears are falling now. "I did not!" I yell.

"I thought you said your parents were divorced." Lucas scrunches his brows, stepping further away from me.

"Actually Lucas," I step towards him.

"Oh, did she say we were divorced?" My dad snickers. "Amelia, did I not tell you its bad to lie?"

"You lied to me?" Lucas looks angry, but hurt even more so.

"No, Lucas its not what you think." I pursed my lips, trying my hardest to control my tears.

"What is then, Amelia? What else are you lying about? Was everything you said last night a lie too?" He says, his tone laced with hurt.

"No please listen to me Lucas." I grab his arms.

"No! I am done with this bullshit. You lied to me. Just-" He runs his fingers through his hair. "Just leave me alone." He says, his nostrils flaring in anger.

I start to follow after him but my father grabs me by my hands, stopping me. "Don't think you're going anywhere."

"Dad stop it!" I was nearly shouting but he did not seem fazed. A few people walking by turn to look at me, but they are the least of my concerns right now.

"No! You stop! I have had enough of your rebellious behaviour young lady." He says and grabs my arm. His grip is so tight I swear it will leave marks.

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