Chapter 8

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I review the report that we made and print it out for Lucas. He said he wanted the full report first thing tomorrow but thanks to 'Coffee guy' I finished it by this evening. I'll hand it to Lucas before I leave.

I knock on his door.

"Come in." He answers on the first knock.

"Mr. Anderson I finished your report." I hand him the papers.

He looks surprised that I finished so early. "Already?" He must've thought I could not finish it in time. Well guess what Lucas, I'm quite talented when I put my mind to it. And if I have some help. But still I did most of the work so that is what matters.

"Yes. I had some help though." I tell him.

"From who?" He asks me.

"Uh I don't know his name. But he works here." I really should find out his name soon. Lucas might know his name since he's his employee. "Oh! You know the guy that spilled coffee on me. Do you know his name?"

"I have more than a hundred employees Miss Grayson. Do you think I remember all of their names?" He scowls.

"Yeah sorry." I apologise again for what seems like the hundredth time already since I worked here. I really should stop apologizing. Its starting to bug even me.

"Stop apologizing. Its annoying." He looks at me.

Gee you don't have to be so mean about it. I mentally roll my eyes

"Okay. Sorry. No I mean uhm yeah I should just go." I rush out of his room.

I don't know why I keep apologizing. Maybe its become a habit from all the times I got into trouble at home. I gather my phone and purse and start to leave.

"Amelia!" I hear a voice calling my name. I turn around to see 'Coffee guy' waving at me.

"Oh hey! I didn't see you." I wait for him.

"You sure you weren't trying to run away from our date?" He narrows his eyes playfully.

"Date?" What is he talking about? Oh shit! That date.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten already?" He raises his eyebrows.

"Nah I was just messing with you." I try to laugh. I hope my laugh doesn't sound as fake as it feels.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." He puts his hand over his heart.

I laugh at his childishness. He makes me want to pinch his cheeks. But that's probably rude when you don't even know the person's name.

"Shall we?" He says and heads to the elevator. I follow him and step inside the elevator.

Just as the elevators door start to close, I see a man running towards us. Is that Lucas? What the hell is he doing?

"Stop!" He shouts.

I hold the elevator open for him. He's panting when he reaches the elevator.

"Miss Grayson I was supposed to take you home, remember?" He looks at Coffee guy, then at me.

What the hell is he talking about?

"What?" I ask him dumbfounded.

"You asked me to take you home since you don't have a car remember? Are you already leaving?" He sounds suspicious. I never asked him to take me home. What is he playing at?

"Uhh I was gonna have dinner with coffee guy-I mean him." I point to 'coffee guy' standing beside me looking shocked, mirroring my expression.

"You can have dinner next time. Come on I'm almost done with work." He takes my hand in his and pulls me out of the elevator. He leads me towards his office never letting go of my hand. The touch of his hand makes electricity jolts through my veins.

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