Chapter 24

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The next morning I wake up with a headache. My head feels a thousand times heavier. All the crying must have made me feel weak. I check the time and see that its already ten. Great I'm late. I had to meet Matt at the diner for breakfast.

I call Matt, putting my phone in between my ear and my shoulder, while brushing my teeth.

"Ems let me guess, you just woke up." Matt says as soon as he picks up. I can imagine him rolling his eyes at me right now.

"Yeah. Sorry I'll be there in five minutes." I say, rinsing my mouth with water.

"Well I already waited two hours, what's another five minutes right?" He says sounding bored.

"Its on me! I promise!" I say and hang up.

I quickly get dressed and head down. I call out my father but I hear no response. I see his car keys on the table, so I grab them. I'll be faster if I take a car. I can't keep Matt waiting any longer.

When I reach the diner, I see Matt sitting at the same table we sat before, near the window. So I can see him clearly from outside. When I get out of the car and approach the diner, I see that Brie is with Matt. I bet she's flirting with Matt right now. I smirk when an idea strikes in me.

"Hey babe!" I give Matt a kiss on his cheek when I step inside the diner.

Matt gives me a weird look, probably confused as hell.

I fake the sweetest smile I can, putting my hands on top of Matt's hand. "I'm so sorry I'm late babe. I mean after last night, I couldn't get out of bed." I say in the most sultry voice I can muster.

I almost laugh out loud when I see Matt and Brie gasping when they heard me say that.

"Amelia what are you talking about?" Matt asks, his eyes wide in shock.

"Babe you don't have to feel ashamed. You were great last night!" I look at Brie. "If you know what I mean." I say shrugging one shoulder.

She sounds so mad that I want to laugh out loud. She turns her head at Matt. "Matt I thought she was just your friend!" She whines.

"Oh he was until last night. He's my fiancé now." I smile at her.

"What? Matt? How could you?" She says and leave our table.

I laugh out loud, holding my stomach. I kept laughing. Her face was so funny. That'll show her for giving me attitude yesterday.

"Amelia what the hell was that?" Matt says still having his shocked expression on his face.

"Just a little fun!" I say wiping my tears resulting from laughing too much. "Its been so long since I laughed that hard."

"Why would you do that?" He asks.

"You should thank me instead. I saved you from her wrath." I tell him. "She keeps flirting with you. She might think you're leading her on. I had to do something." I shrug.

"What? No! We were just talking. She's a nice kid." He says, looking around probably looking for Brie.

I roll my eyes at him. "Matt you think everyone is nice."

"Not Claire though." He says, his tone suddenly serious. "Did you talk to her?"

"Yeah." I say silently, barely audible. Matt's going to be so mad if he knows she slapped me.

"And? What did she say?" Matt asks sounding curious.

I pause for a minute before answering, contemplating whether I should tell him the truth. "She slapped me." I finally say.

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