Chapter 25

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Lucas POV

My blood froze when I see Amelia lying unconscious on the floor, covered in blood. I can't believe she fucking threw a bottle at her.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I yell at the woman, whom I believe to be Amelia's step mother.

I approach Amelia, crouching down beside her. I take the table cloth and press it against her head, to stop the bleeding.

"Amelia please stay with me. Please stay with me baby." I beg her lifeless form. I'm afraid to move her body, I'm scared I'll put more damage to her.

I take out my phone and call 911 immediately.

"I am so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." I say, cradling her body. I will never forgive myself if something happened to Amelia.

"Who the hell are you? Get the hell out of my house!" The woman has the audacity to shout at me. I swear if it wasn't for Amelia right now, I will kill her. She fucking hit Amelia.

"You listen to me! If you ever come near Amelia, I swear I will-" I clench my teeth. "I will make sure you never breathe again."

She staggers back a little when she sees how angry I am right now. She should be scared.

The sound of the ambulance can be heard outside the house. Two men come rushing in bringing a stretcher. They put it beside Amelia and begin to lift her up.

"Sir I'm gonna have to ask you to step away. We'll take of her." One of the men says to me.

"No I have to stay with her."

"Yes Sir. I understand. You can come with us to the hospital." He says.

They lay her on a stretcher, and carry her out. They carry her inside the ambulance, I follow after them, getting inside the ambulance. I take one of her hands and hold it, kissing the back of her hand.

"I'm so sorry I'm late baby. Please forgive me. I should have listened to you." I let the tears fall down. If I lose her now, I don't know how I will be able to live.

The ambulance pulls to a stop after what feels like hours. The men takes her inside the emergency room.

A doctor approaches us, examining Amelia right away. "What happened?" He asks one of the men.

"She was hit on the head. Possible skull fracture, laceration and concussion." One of men answers him.

"Okay take her in the examination room. We'll need to take a CT Scan of her brain." The doctor tell the nurse nearby.

I begin to follow them, still holding Amelia's hand but one of the nurses stop me. "Sir you can't come in. I'm going to have to ask you to wait here."

I glare at the nurse. "No I'm staying with her."

"Sir please. She will be fine with us." She calmly states.

I look at Amelia, her beautiful face covered in blood. My heart breaks to see her this way. "Amelia I love you." I kiss her hand and finally let go.

They push her into a room and close the door. I stand in the hallway, not knowing what to do. I can't believe she's suffering so much and she didn't even tell me. I should have listened when she tried to explain to me. This is all because of my fucking ego. I clench my fists, my knuckles turning white. I just hope she's okay. If Matt hadn't called me this morning, telling me about everything I still wouldn't have known. Realisation dawns on me that I still hasn't called Matt about what happened. I take out my phone and dial his number.

"Lucas what's up?" He answers.

"Matt, Amelia's in the hospital." I tell him. "You need to come here."

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