Chapter 9

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"What did you say?" I'm not sure I heard him right. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I did not know that just simple words strung together could make me feel like this.

I tilt my head up to face him. "Lucas?"

"I don't want you to go out with him. Not with him or with anyone." He places his hand on the side of my face. He swipes his thumb gently across my cheek.

"Why?" I ask. He's too close that I can feel his warm breath, giving me chills all over my body.

He stares intently into my eyes, his hazel eyes turning almost light green. He's about to tell me something but we're interrupted by a voice, whose voice I recognize as Margaret's.

"Hey guys! What are doing standing outside?" She approaches us. But as soon as she sees Lucas and I, she puts a hand to her mouth. "Oh! am I interrupting something?" She asks.

Lucas lets go of me when he sees Margaret. He looks flushed, embarrassed even. "No mom, we were just coming in."

Margaret has a glint of amusement in her eyes, she gives a smile to the both of us. "Sure. We'll be waiting inside." She leaves to enter the house, which I presume is their house.

"Wait, this is your house?" I gasp.

"No, its my mom's." Lucas answers nonchalantly.

"But still, why did you bring me here?" I'm surprised that he would bring me to his mother's house without even inviting me. But Margaret wasn't shocked to see me so maybe she was expecting me.

"Why do you always have so many questions?" Lucas groans. "Let's just get inside. Its cold out."

He goes towards the magnificent house. I guess he's expecting me to follow suit, so I do.

"Fine." I'm too exhausted to even question him at this point. And honestly I'd rather be here than be on a date with a guy whose name I don't even know. Yet.

When we enter the house, I'm engulfed by a delicious smell. It makes me hungry even more. The house looks cozy yet elegant with hardwood floors and furniture across the house. I notice a few paintings hanging solemnly on the wall. Even though I have limited knowledge about anything art related, I can tell that they look expensive.

Lucas heads upstairs leaving me stranded alone in this mansion. Maybe he's upset, again, for the tenth time today. You can never know with him. One minute he'll make you feel out of breath, and the next he'll be telling you off. I shake my head slightly as I think about his nature.

"Amelia?" Margaret calls out to me. "Could you help me in the kitchen please?" She asks.

I head to where her voice came, which I think came from the kitchen. I see her putting up foods on the dinner table with an apron wrapped around her waist.

"Wow you made all this?" I gape at the amount of food spread on the table. I try not to drool in front of Margaret.

"Oh I just prepared a few, since I didn't know what you'd like." She says.

"A few? What are you talking about? This is a feast!" I exclaim pointing to the table.

"I might have got a bit excited." She chuckles as she plates quite skillfully. "Its been a while since we had a guest over for dinner. I told Lucas to invite you over so we could get to know each other better. I would invite you myself but I didn't have your number and I didn't know where you live so.." She looks up at me. "Oh forgive me, I'm rambling again aren't I?"

"No, its okay. You don't have to apologise. Its nice to finally have someone to have a conversation with." I wave her off.

She smiles sweetly at me. "Why? Don't you have anyone to talk to at home? I don't mean to be nosy."

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