Chapter 16

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The rest of the day went by without much contact from Lucas. He's been distant ever since the ride on the elevator. If ignoring is how he deals with problems, well, two can play at that game.

Its almost time to go home, so I quickly review the manuscripts that were handed in today.

"Amelia hey!" I hear someone calling me. I look up and see that its coffee guy. It feels like forever since I last saw him. I give him a smile and greet him.

"Hey how are you?" I ask.

"I'll be better if you would go to dinner with me. This time for real." He smiles sweetly, resting his hands on my desk.

I know I have to go to dinner at Margaret's place. On the other hand, I feel bad since I could not go to dinner with Coffee guy last time. But the truth is no matter how hard I try to deny it, I'd rather be near Lucas than anyone else.

"You see I already had an appointment. I'm really sorry." I give him an apologetic look.

"Oh." He slumps his shoulders, "okay yeah I understand." He says. He sounds sad almost that I feel terrible. "I'll see you around then." He walks away from my desk.

Just as I gather my phone and bags, Lucas comes out of his office and walks right past me.

"Hey wait for me!" I yell after him. He doesn't even look back and get in the elevator. I get in quickly just before the elevator door closes.

"Are we back to 'hey' now? What happened to 'Mr. Anderson'?" He states without even looking at me.

I roll my eyes at him. Such a moody pants, I swear he could pass for a woman had he not been blessed with his devilishly good looks.

"Why are you so difficult?" I turn to look at him.

"I'm difficult?!" He scoffs. "I tried to be nice to you, but you're the one who keeps pushing me away! Now that I'm trying to stay away, you're telling me I'm difficult?" He almost yells.

I flinch at his words. I know he's right. I didn't want to cave in to my feelings so I do what I do best, I run away. I always run away from my problems, from my emotions. This time I'm running away from my feelings for Lucas. I have never felt this way about anyone before.

"Lucas I'm sorry." I apologize. I'm tired of running away all the time. Matt's right. I should give Lucas a chance.

"No Amelia. I can't deal with this anymore. I've had enough." He says running his fingers through his hair.

"Lucas please-" I plead looking at his eyes, but all I see is annoyance and frustration.

"Let's just go to dinner. My mom's waiting." He says and I fall silent. He's tired of me. Why wouldn't he be? Everyone gets tired of me, that's why they leave. They always leave.

The ride to Margaret's house was silent, not one of us utters a single word. I glance out the window and watches as houses and trees pass by. But I can't get rid of the nagging feeling inside my heart, that I need Lucas. He makes me feel at home here, he may not know it but he makes me feel whole. I shouldn't have treated him like that and now he's tired of me. A stray tear falls from my eyes but I wipe it quickly before Lucas sees me.

When we reach Margaret's house, Lucas heads upstairs without a word. I sigh, knowing that this time I really messed it up.

I hear Margaret laughing in the kitchen. I furrow my brows wondering why Margaret would laugh on her own. I approach the kitchen and see that she's cooking with Matt.

"Matt what are you doing there?" I ask, very confused.

"Oh hi Ems. I was helping Mrs Grayson prepare dinner." Matt says, his lips widening in a smile. Of course Matt would feel at home even at a place he's never visited. He has a knack with people.

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