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The snow has started to fall now, making everything look milky white covered in snow. And the cold is icy, but not our hearts. Love, its a funny thing actually. You spend your whole life imagining what it would be like or watching movies or reading books about it. Once you're actually in love with someone who loves you as much as you do them, it surpasses all those movies and books. Its everything and more. Of course its not always perfect, but you grow from those imperfections. After all, love is about acceptance.

"Baby we're gonna be late if we don't leave now." He says, hugging me from behind.

I stare out the window, enjoying the snow covering the whole city. A magnificent sight. I smile, putting my fingers around the hot cup of coffee. Yes I learned to like coffee now, because of him. Its not as bad as I had imagined. I still drink tea, of course.

"Do we have to leave today?" I say, leaning my back against him.

"Yes, we should. Besides mom and Quinn are also gonna be there." He says, tickling my neck with his chin.

"Really? When did they leave?" I ask, suddenly curious about why they would leave beforehand. I turn around to face him, his hazel eyes staring into mine.

"Yesterday. Matt talked about this new recipe he invented and all, so mom got excited, she decided to leave early." He says, putting his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I understand why Margaret would be excited but Quinn?" I say, putting down my coffee on the table.

"She says she's gonna ruin Matt's cafe. She talked about this little evil plan she got in her head. I don't know. Those two always have something up their sleeves." He says shaking his head.

I chuckle as I remember that time when Quinn pulled a prank on Matt. I swear those two will end up getting married. They hate each other now but sometimes I catch Matt staring at Quinn. I know Matt cares about Quinn even though he hates to admit it. And yes Matt opened his cafe now, just like he said he would. Its a small cafe but its never empty. I guess his niceness is doing him a favor after all.

"They're adorable together." I coo, putting my arms around his neck.

"What? Matt and Quinn? No way. Besides they hate each other!" He says.

I gasp, dramatically more than I normally would. "Are you implying Matt, my best friend Matt is not good enough for Quinn?" I say, emphasizing on the word 'my best friend'.

"Uhm no? But they don't even like each other." He defends.

"What are you trying to say? That Matt and Quinn are not good together?" I narrow my eyes at him.

"No Amelia. I was just saying that they are really two different people and- ugh why are we even fighting about them?" He raises his hands in exasperation.

"Because you think Matt is not good enough for your sister." I leave taking my coffee mug and putting it in the sink.

"No Amelia that is not what I meant." He follows me to the kitchen.

I pout, crossing my arms across my chest, narrowing my eyes at him. He comes over and stands in front of me, putting his hands on my arms. "Amelia I'm sorry okay? That's not what I meant. Can we please go so we can spend the holidays happily with our family and friends? Please?" He pleads looking at me.

He's so adorable that I can't stay mad at him any longer. "Okay." I say, giving him a smile.

He kisses me, not feverishly but a sweet soft kiss that is enough to bring back the butterflies in my stomach. "Let's go now. We have a flight to catch."

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