Chapter 7

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Is this really happening? Did my boss just ask me out? That too on the day I hit his mother for heaven's sake!

What am I supposed to say? I shift uncomfortably, not knowing what to say.

"Uhm Mr. Anderson-uh this is so sudden." I take my hand away from his.

"Amelia we're both grown ups here. You don't need to feel nervous." He looks into my eyes.

Oh but I am nervous. He has no idea what he does to me. But that doesn't mean I can accept his proposal, does it?

"I'm really sorry. I can't." I stand up from the chair and run out of the restaurant.

I feel out of breath, my heart's beating wildly as I enter a cab. I think back to what just happened. The look on Lucas's face, the sincerity in his voice. No matter what foreign feelings he makes me feel whenever he's near me, I can't say yes.

What will the other staffs say? He's my boss. I don't want to be that girl that has a fling with the office boss. I can't attract anymore attention than I have already done in the past week.

But I could have said it like a mature adult without running out of there like a scared little girl. Why did he have to go and ask me out to make things awkward?

Now I have to see him at the office everyday while desperately trying to avoid him.

My life just gets worse and worse.

I step inside my apartment and immediately fall onto my bed. I welcome the comfort of my pillow as I snuggle myself further. I exhale a deep breath of air. I feel exhausted as the events of the day unfolds in my mind. I have never had a single peaceful, stress-free day ever since I came to New York.

New York is one hell of a city.

My body drifts into a calm state as I fall asleep.


I stand outside Lucas's apartment the next morning. To say I feel nervous would be an understatement of the century. I just turned down his proposal yesterday and now I'm standing here with his black coffee in my hand, thinking how I'm going to avoid the well dreaded conversation about why I ran out on him. Great move Amelia.

I take a deep breath and step inside his apartment. I go up to his room to see his door locked. Why is his door locked? Has he left for office? I check my watch to check if I'm late but I see that I am exactly on time.

Is he mad at me because I said no? Is that why he left without me? Questions clouds my mind as I head downstairs. I see his housekeeper in the living room.

"Mrs Daniels, do you know where Mr Anderson is?" I ask her.

"He already left for office saying he had a meeting to attend to." She informs me turning to look at me.

"What? I thought I was on time." I gasp as realization hits me, he had a meeting with a client from England. "Oh my god, I totally forgot! I gotta go Mrs Daniels." I rush out of the apartment.

I wait for a cab but there seems to be no available cab at all. Just when I need a cab most, I can't find even one. I really need to buy my own car. I find a cab just as I start to think about running to the office.

When I reach the office, the meeting had already ended. I can see the clients leaving the office and Mr Anderson walking them to the door. He sees me rush out of the elevator and shoots me a disapproving look.

I avert my eyes away from him as I walk towards him thinking of an excuse as to why I'm late for work.

"Miss Grayson, my office. Now." He orders me.

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