Chapter 10

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The next morning I wake up feeling a little lightheaded. I feel chilly and I break out in cold sweat all over. I might have the flu. I take a hot shower to relieve my body temperature. The shower feels great against my cold skin, and I feel a little better.

I might have took too much time in the shower that the time slips past me. I got only five minutes to get ready and reach Lucas's apartment. I skip breakfast and get dressed quickly. I put on my red blouse and a black skirt. I take my bag and head downstairs.

As soon as I find a cab, I get a text from Matt.

Ems I'm sorry about last time. Please call me.

I smile when I read the text. I know our fight was partly my fault but the fact that he apologises first makes me feel better. I'm about to reply when I reach Lucas's apartment. I keep a mental note to call Matt when I reach the office. We've never gone this long without talking to each other so every minute of ignoring him make me more anxious.

When I enter Lucas's apartment, Lucas is already dressed standing near the doorway.

"I thought you weren't gonna come to work!" Lucas's says as soon as he sees me.

"Gee! Good morning to you too." I roll my eyes at him.

"I had Mrs. Daniels make us some breakfast." He says as he leads me to the kitchen.

"But we're gonna be late if we don't leave now." I state my concern. I did miss breakfast this morning to get to the office in time.

"Would you listen to me for once? Besides I'm the boss, who cares if we're late?" He takes out a seat for me to sit. I oblige by sitting down.


"No buts. Just enjoy breakfast." He says as he takes a seat in front of me on the dining table.

"Do you like pancakes? If you don't then I can ask Mrs. Daniels to whip up something."

"No, I like pancakes." I take the pancakes onto my plate and eat them. They taste quite good to my surprise.

"I actually missed breakfast this morning. How'd you know?" I ask Lucas as I take a sip of the orange juice.

"Well you did whine about being hungry all the time so I just thought I'd shut you up by feeding you." He smirks.

"Ha, very funny." I glare at him.

"So why'd you miss breakfast anyway?" He inquires. He knows I never miss breakfast since he's always observant.

"I had a long shower that's all." I tell him.

"Are you sure you're not sick or anything? You look a little pale today." He furrows his eyebrows together.

"I'm fine. Healthy as a horse." I smile but he still doesn't look convinced, as he gives me a skeptical look. "Alright. I may or may not have got the flu but I'm feeling better now." I say emphasising on the word 'may not'.

"What do you mean you may or may not have caught the flu? Did you take medicine? Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" Lucas begins to stand up from his chair and heads towards me.

"Calm down. Its just a flu not cancer okay?" I put down my spoon and stand up as well.

He puts his palm on my forehead, feeling my temperature. "You have a fever too. I don't think you should come to work today."

"I'm fine Mom." I say sarcastically.

"Not funny." He grimaces. "Come let me take you home."

"Lucas I said I'm fine." I whine. I hate it when people always tell me what to do.

"Stop being stubborn." He says as he takes my hand in his and leads me towards the door.

"Why do you always order me around?" I pull my hand away from his. "I said I'm fine!"

"Why don't you ever just do as I say? You always protest against me. Would you just listen to me for once?" He takes a tight grip of my hand and pulls me outside. He opens the door and shoves me in.

Why does he always have to have his way? Everything was going so well this morning, well it lasted longer than I expected.

As soon as he enters the car I shout at him. "You can't always do whatever you want Lucas. You can't treat people however you want. People have feelings. I have feelings okay? Has it ever occurred to you that people might hate how you treat them?" I fold my arms across my chest. He makes me so mad sometimes.

"So what? You're saying that me trying to look out for you is hurting your feelings?" He faces me and looks me straight in the eyes.

"I told you I'm fine! You always order me around! I hate it when you do that." Fighting with Lucas in this confined space of the car is making me nauseous. I'm not sure if its the flu or the fight that's making me sick.

"Well guess what? You work for me! I have the right to order you around. I'm the boss and you're just an employee!" He practically shouts.

I don't know why hearing him tell me that I'm just an employee hurts me so much. Maybe because I thought he actually cared for me.

The nausea is coming back now. When we reach my apartment I rush out of the car and find the nearest trash can. I vomit out all the breakfast I had this morning.

I feel Lucas's hand on my back, caressing me gently. "Are you okay?"

When I'm finally done, I stand up and step away from him. "I'm just an employee right? You don't have to pretend to care for me." I spit.

"Amelia please." He begs as he takes a step towards me.

"No! Leave me alone!" I feel tears in my eyes but I refuse to let him see me crying.

"Ems?" I hear someone calling me. There's only one person who calls me that.

I turn around and see a familiar blue eyes, a face that I haven't seen in so long.

"Matt?" I can't believe he's here.

When Matt sees me in the state I'm in, he rushes to me and holds me. "Ems what happened? Are you okay?"

Seeing someone whom I know truly cares for me makes me even more weak, so I break down in front of Matt. I know Lucas is still here but I don't care what he thinks anymore. Matt gives me a hug and runs his hand on my hair. "Shh its okay." Matt consoles me.

"Come, let's get inside." He pulls away from me and puts his hand around my shoulders.

Before we enter the apartment I turn around to take a look at Lucas but I see that he had already left.

Why would he stay?


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