Chapter 3

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"Mommy can we ride the roller coaster? Please mommy."

I beg my mother as I tug on her skirt lightly. I've always wanted to ride them ever since they existed but my mother is scared of heights so she never lets me ride them.

"Sweety are you sure you wanna ride it? It looks scary to me." She says looking down at me.

"Its not scary mommy. See people are riding it even people my size are on it. Mommy please." I pout looking down at my pink ballerina shoes.

My mother crouch down to my level and cups my face to look at her. She smiles sweetly at me. I always thought my mother had the most beautiful smile.

"Okay how about this sweety? Next time we'll come with Matty and you two can ride it together okay? " she pleads.

A goofy grin immediately breaks on my face.

"Pinky Promise?" I say as I show her my pinky finger.

"Pinky promise." My mother smiles as she wraps her pinky finger around mine.

"And one more gift for my little princess" she says as she hands me a fluffy teddy bear.

"Oh mommy its a teddy! I love it!" I exclaimed.

"I love you sweety" she kisses me.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I groan as I hear my alarm clock buzzing away. I reach to stop it but I couldn't find the bedside drawer. I have to get up to stop the alarm clock. When I am fully awake, I see that I'm at the end of my bed with my legs on the side of the bed. No wonder I couldn't reach the alarm clock. I groan loudly.

"I hate mornings." I mutter to myself.

I head to the kitchen to make myself a breakfast. Eggs and bacon, nothing better to start the day with. My mother used to make the best bacon ever. It taste heavenly. I miss her. Seeing the Teddy has brought back so many memories. There is only one person who knows how much the Teddy means to me. Matty. I quickly dial his number and wait for him to answer my call.

"I see you got your teddy." Matt answered.

"Yeah I did. Thank you so much Matty. It made my day. Really." I sigh.

"Hey is everything okay?" He asked his voice laced with concern. Of course he notices the slightest hint of sadness in my voice. And that's why he's my best friend and mostly because he makes the best hot chocolate.

"No everything's fine. Its just that everything is so different here and everyone is so uptight. I swear I haven't even seen anyone smiling once. They're all so busy. No one stops to make a decent conversation. God I miss home." I let out a deep sigh.

"You can always come back you know," he says

"No I can't. You know what this means for me. I need this."

"Ems, I know but you can't just run away. You know your father's gonna find you right?"

"Not unless you tell him where I am." I tell him.

"Your father knows people Ems. He'll find you right away if he wanted to. He still thinks you're on a study tour around Europe. When he finds out the truth he'll find you in no time you know that."

"I can't go back to that hell hole!" I practically screamed. "You know what she'll do to me. I can't take it anymore. I'm an adult now I can take care of myself."

He sighs. "I'm sorry Ems. I know how hard it was for you but I think you should tell your father the truth." He says so softly as if he's afraid to upset me.

"You don't understand! You'll never understand!" I shout at him. "Goodbye Matthew." I end the call.

He calls again but I don't take his calls. I'm too upset right now I'll just say things I'll regret later on. Better to ignore his calls for now. I know he means well but he only knows half the truth. If I told him the truth he wouldn't suggest going back home. He's protective like a brother when it comes to me. I remember in second grade when I was teased, not bullied, by Joe the ginger head, about my teddy. I always carry my teddy everywhere with me ever since I got it as a birthday present. They were calling me a "baby" since I always carried it around. It was a big deal back then. I cried when they tried to take it away from me. Matty came and punched Joe right in the nose. Joe got a nosebleed and didn't bother me ever since. Matty was detained of course. I pleaded Miss Williams to let me stay with Matty during detention. I approached Matty and hand him a Milky Bar. That was how he became my best friend and my only friend. He's always there for me whenever I need someone to play with or whenever I need a shoulder to cry on. I miss him terribly.

I get ready to go for work. I hope Mr. Anderson is in a better mood today. I can't take anymore drama after the fight with Matthew this morning. I stop by Starbucks and take the black coffee for Mr. Anderson.

The housekeeper, Mrs Daniels let me in the apartment. Unlike yesterday the bedroom is closed. I hope I'm not late. I check the time and I'm 10 minutes early. He couldn't have gotten ready yet. I knock on the door. Once. Twice. No answer. So I push slightly on the door. The door creaked open. I look inside and see him curled on the bed still fast asleep. He looks so peaceful sleeping like that. He looks so much like a little boy fast asleep. He looks nothing like the intimidating man he is. I feel the urge to move his hair that's messily falling on his forehead.

"Mr. Anderson?" I call out softly.

He looks so still. I hope he's not dead. I don't wanna be the one to discover a dead man. That is such bad karma. So I poke him.

He doesn't move. I poke him again but still no response. I clap my hands together and chant prayers. Please don't be dead. Please don't be dead.

"Miss Grayson stop it. I'm not dead." He says grabbing my hands.


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