Chapter 30

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After I had the talk with Claire, I feel surprisingly light. As if a heavy burden has been lifted off of me, I feel relieved actually. Forgiveness seems to be the hardest thing. But its quite simple really. Just let it go. Don't hold on to the bitter memories or the ones that have wronged you. Let bygones be bygones. Its no use holding onto things that you have no control over. Never in my life have I thought that a day would come where I would say those words to Claire. But I did, and honestly it felt good.

"Ems, you okay?" Matt stand up from the chair just outside the room. He holds a worried look as he walks towards me.

"Never been better." I tell him.

He looks surprised as his eyes widen, frowning a little bit. "Are you sure?" He asks again.

"Yes Matt. I'm finally letting go. I don't hate Claire anymore. I forgave her." I say with a small smile on my lips.

Matt stays silent for a minute before finally speaking up. "Wow. You're an amazing person Ems. I can't imagine going through what you went through and forgiving her in the end. But you just did it. I'm so proud of you." He says emotionally, engulfing me into a hug.

"Matt we're at a police station. Let me go." I tell him, trying to break away from him.

"Shut up. You're ruining the moment." He says still hugging me.

I chuckle against his chest. "Thanks Matt. I couldn't have done it without you by my side. I love you." I finally hug him.

"Of course. You know you're stuck with me." He laughs.

And there goes our moment, I roll my eyes at him, breaking away from the hug. "Shut up. You're ruining the moment." I mimic him, walking away.

He laughs even more at that. "Aww Ems you know I love you too right?" He follows me, putting his arms on my shoulders.

"Nope. The moment is gone. The ship has left the dock." I say, teasing him.

"You stubborn little chipmunk!" He pushes my head a little, laughing while running away from me.

"You! You are so gonna pay for that. And Chipmunks are adorable!" I retort, running after him.

"Miss!" I hear a call from one of the officers. I hope they don't put me in jail for running around their office.

I stop short in my tracks, turning back. "Yes officer?" I answer quietly.

"Here are the final documents for your case. Everything is in order now." The officer says, handing me a file.

Relief floods through me when I hear him say that. "Oh thank you. I didn't know I had to take these home." I tell him, flipping through the papers.

"Its just a security measure." He explains. "Okay you take care miss." He says, walking back to his office.

I walk out of the police station and see Matt waiting for me inside his car.

"Hey I thought you were just behind me." Matt gives me a weird look as I get inside the car.

"Yeah the officer gave me these documents about the case." I tell him.

"Okay. Let's go then." He says, starting the car.

"So how does it feel? To finally get a closure?" Matt asks as we drive through.

I let out a breath. "I feel like I'm finally alive." I tell him, staring out the window.

"I'm glad. I'm really happy for you Ems." He smiles turning to look at me.

"So what now?" He asks again.

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