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Credit to urbiah for the basic jist of the Kidnapped part of this book and for the cover. Go read their book Missing. It is, literally, one of the best books I have ever read. It is the

"Please let me give you a ride! It's after dark. It's dangerous to go walking alone! Especially with how far away you live!" I looked over at the pleading Kirstie, her eyes wide, and shook my head.

"Nope. Sorry. I am walking and you can't stop me." I shrugged.

"Mitchell! What if you get kidnapped? Raped? Killed? Anything could happen!" She pressed, looking at her phone. It was almost midnight. She and I had been working on a project for our choir class tomorrow.

"I promise! Nothing will happen! I'm too fabulous to get hurt. I'll call you as soon as I get home." I hugged her and turned around, snatching up my bag by the door.

"Mitch! Hold up!" She called and I sighed, stopping all movement.

"Yes?" I tried to keep the exasperation out of my voice.

"Love you."

I laughed. "Love you too, Kirst."

I resumed heading to her door and waved to her mother before walking out. I couldn't help but chuckled as I thought of Kirstie.

I really should have accepted that ride! I groaned inwardly. I had been walking for what seemed like miles. Thankfully, I only had about fifteen to twenty minutes left.

As I walked, I saw a slouched figure against a wall, just out of the street light's halo.

"Hey! Are you okay?" I called as I approached. They looked up and I took a step back. They were a mess. Or should I say, he was a mess.

The boy was about my age, maybe a year or two older, with pale eyes. I couldn't see his hair, the black hood up. Seeing him in his jacket made me shiver, regretting not grabbing my own. His left eye was black and swollen, his lip cut, with a small trickle of blood dropping from his nose. He has various other cuts and his face contorted with pain every time He moved, breathing included.

"Could you help me up? I think I screwed up my leg trying to not get my ass beat. I guess I failed." He gave a rusty laugh, lip curling in pain.

Against my better judgement, I reached my hand out, gripping his now stretched out arm, letting my school bag go. I instantly regretted helping him. Barely pulling on me at all, he stood, his broad frame towering over me. He pulled me close and wrapped arms right around me as I struggled against him, flipping me around so my back rested against his chest. Using only one arm, he held me, pulling out a phone and dialling a number with the other. Goddamn my small form! He seemed to have no problem holding me, even as I heard a scrapping sound. He just kicked my Bag out of the way! That was an expensive fucking bag. He owned me big time.

"Got him, Bram." He growled.

"Yeah. I know. I'll bring him. In one piece. I have done this countless times before. Jesus. You would think I was a Rookie at this." He said, his tone exasperated.

"See you soon." He hung up and shoved the device back into his pocket. Clamping a hand on my mouth, the stranger picked me up and carried me with ease to a dark car park down the road. Just before we reached the car door, he looked down at me, his light eyes holding an emotion I couldn't name. He stopped and set me down, trapping me with his body against the car as he pulled out a cloth and pressed it to my mouth. I tried not to breath (I'd seen enough movies to know you don't breath in when a random cloth is put over your mouth and nose), but I couldn't hold it in any longer. One deep breath and I was dizzy. A few more and I was so out of it, I could no longer stay standing. I felt my body falling. Then...nothing.

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