Twenty Three

564 36 19

Warning: Rape
The man that met us at the airport reeked of smoke and beer.

"Great. Another drunkard. That didn't end well last time." I hissed to Tuesday.

The man looked at me immediately, his dark eyes narrowed. He did nothing, only ordered us to follow him. I relaxed my tensed body. A stupid move. I had grown trusting of people. The moment we got to his car, he hit me square in the groin, cause me to cry out and fall the the ground. He kicked me a few more times before he stepped back and pulled me to my feet by my hair.

"You little fucker. Watch your fucking mouth, or next time, I will cut out your damn tongue." He snarled. I stayed silent, looking at my feet.

Oh, how I hadn't missed the abuse. He shoved us in the car and began to drive away.

"I can't wait to get you home. So many things can happen with three. Especially with such an inexperienced one!" The man chirpped excitedly. I nearly threw up. No. Tuesday did not deserve to lose his Virginity to the hands of someone who didn't love him. It happened to me and it was the worst feeling in the world.

I remembered how dirty I felt. I remembered feeling like nothing more than a whore, someone there for for pleasure. My parents had told me about how the first time was supposed to be safe and mutual, wanted one hundred percent. It was supposed to filled with love. But mine was filled with dark lust and pain. There was no love there.

I grabbed Tuesday's hand and gave him a sad smile. I couldn't tell him how I was sorry this was happening to him. I had long since learned to never say no.

Drake had beat me nearly to death one time for saying no. Saying no to the men at the club ended up with with two punishments, one from the man you denied and one from Dominic and Ciro.

We drove through the run down parts of town and into a cruddy looking house. He ushered us out of the car and through the smokey halls. People leaned out of door, whistling and commenting on us.

"Shit. These kids are damn fine. Hope you let me show them a good time sometime, Dramine." One called out and I pulled Tuesday closer. He had never been exposed to such things. I wanted to get him out of here. He didn't belong here. The dark skinned man called back to whoever had shouted.

"Ha! After I am done with them, you won't even compare. And that is if I let you have them afterwards. Best night I will have had in a while." He laughed, then herded us into a room, slamming the door.

"You!" He pointed to me. "I want you to strip him." His finger moved to Tuesday, who was staring between the two of us, eyes wide with fear.

I walked over to my friend and grabbed the hem of his shirt. "I am so sorry, Tuesday. I am so, so sorry for this." I pulled it up over his head and he just stared at me, frozen in place.

I fell to my knees and unbuttoned his pants, pulling them and his boxers down. I looked up at him, dark eyes meeting pale eyes. He had tears falling down his face, a few landing on me. Then I looked away.

I felt a hand placed on the back of my head, before I could move back, and I looked up. But the hand wasn't Tuesday's. Fingers tangled painfully in my hair. The grip tightened and I was yanked back by my hair and thrown to the side, looking up to see Tuesday being pushed against the bed. "Ready for the time of your life?" He snarled and straddled Tuesday. The poor boy was sobbing.

That was you, you whore, before you became addicted to having sex with a different man every night! Horny Bitch.

There it was again. That same mocking voice, calling out at me.

I tried my hardest to ignore the world around me, block out Tuesday's cries, the man's screams. I hated it all. I wanted to remove myself from this, but I couldn't. No. I was stuck in this living Hell.

Finally, the man seemed satisfied and left, making himself presentable. I stood up and moved to the bed, crawling up and holding Tuesday in my arms.

"I wish, oh how I wish this hadn't happened to you. I know how it feels." I whispered and rocked back and forth. "I am so sorry this happened." His hands fisted in my shirt as I held him close, letting him cry. I would not let him go through this like I did, thinking of himself as nothing, because I went through that. I suffered that alone and I refused to let him know that pain.

Despite only having known him for a year and a half, he was my brother and I would protect him.

"I will watch over you, Tuesday. I promise." I murmured against his hair, unkept. I held him as he fell alseep, whispering the things I had longed to hear when I was raped.

I knew how low he probably felt. How he probably thought no one would ever love him again. I knew, because this was me, thought there was a difference in our situations. I was here to help him.

"Your value has not lessened. You are perfect. You are beautiful. Someone, someday, will hold you in their arms and kiss you and love you, and think you are the world. You will make it through. You are loved. Someone out there is looking for you, because they love you more than themselves." As I murmured that last sentence, he whispered something.


"Yes. Thursday is looking for you." I hoped my words were true.

So! This book will come to an end soon. But! The next book is called Home, so fret not!(Lies, actually. It's not called Home)

2 1/2 years

Oh, and stay sexy

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