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Warning: Abuse, blood/gore(will also apply to the next chapter)
I was aware of little other than pain and a soft voice whispering to me.

"There is someone looking for you. Someone who loves you very much. You will get out of this, dead or alive. Please, don't die. You have to live for that person who is looking for you."

Somewhere along the way, I managed to opened my eyes and found myself laying face down, a cool cloth pressing to my right shoulder as another cloth was held down on my left hip, over the cut.

I looked over at these two and couldn't help but smile faintly.

Wednesday must've seen my open eyes because she began to cry and blubber, asking for forgiveness.

Somehow, I managed to lift my self up, clenching my eyes tight in pain, then pulled the much smaller girl into a hug.

"You have nothing to apologize for, Wednesday." I whispered to her, gritting my teeth in pain. My shoulder felt like it was on fire. I didn't dare look at my shoulder. Didn't dare look to see what happened to me.

Her small hands rested on my chest, which I just realized was bare, but I didn't move until she shifted back. I let her go and nodded to Tuesday. He was so much younger than I. I couldn't help but hug him. He didn't fight it, just grabbed my arm. I let him go and scooted back. "Thank you both so much."

(Six months later)
I had endured so many things. My skin was a mess of cuts and scars. I was even missing part of the upper part of my right ear.

Tuesday and Wednesday faired no better. Wednesday had a large bald patch on her head, with scabs covering the skin, where Hollie had wrenched her hair in another one of their "games".

Tuesday was a mess, his hair matted in blood from a cut that stretches from the middle of his forehead, ran along his hairline, and stopped where his ear met his jaw. His arm was bandaged, still raw from the game they played a week ago. Thankfully, Wednesday had been exempt from this one. They took a lighter, those large ones with the long nozzles, then held it to our skin, drawing out designs even.

I hated it here so bad. Every time they played a "game", it ended with them both very aroused.

They never made a sexual move on any of us, thank god, just went upstairs to fuck, then wash off the blood and sweat.

I held the much smaller girl as she shivered, her skin clammy, her fair skin paler than normal.

Tuesday worried endlessly, but he couldn't sit still, his legs were still sore from his whipping.

As I held her, I heard the all to familiar sound of them coming down the stairs, chattering. I had long since compared it to a pair of monkeys because that is what is sounded like.

I stood up and managed to get Wednesday to her feet, still holding her by the waist. In the past few months, I had heard that she was thirteen, and that he brother was fifteen. Neither said anything about their old lives, but sometimes, when Tuesday was asleep, he would mutter things about Thursday.

The door unlocked and burst open. I could tell, even from here, that they were drunk. I could smell It and see it in the way they walked forward.

"Your turn, Two." They chattered. It was scary. These people made Drake seem like a day dream. They grabbed her arms, in sloppy unison. Hollie chained her to the wall, while Ethan pulled out a large hunting knife from his side. How the hell had I not seen that?

He pressed it to her cheek, then slid it along her cheekbones, talking to each other about how ugly she was. Her skin split like it was nothing and I could do nothing but try to block out her cries and screams.

Ten minutes this went on, her small body convulsing. She was sick, I knew it and her brother knew it. Finally, he pulled the blade away and wiped off the blood, admiring it.

"Such a beautiful blade." He said. "Don't you think Hollie?"

"Yes I do, my dear. I want to see it stained in their blood." She pointed to the two of us and Ethan looked at us over his shoulder.

"I love the way you think, Hollie, beloved."

He ordered us to our own set of restraints and got us all chained up. Tuesday was watching his sister, who's eyes were glazed. Her head was lolling to the side, almost as though it were too heavy for her to lift.

My attention was so riveted on the girl that I didn't realized I was Ethan's target until his knife was cutting my leg. Hip to knee.

He laughed as I swore and struggled, tears falling. Then he drew back and his eyes flicked to my wrists. He reached up and rested that blade there, horizontal. Then, he cut down and across, leaving a deep cut. Three more on that wrist, then he focused on my other wrist, doing the same thing to it. I felt the blood sliding down my arms, the cuts stinging. I closed my eyes and he left me alone and moved to Tuesday.

"I heard you promise you would protect your sister." Hollie hissed, and Tuesday cried out, confirming that his skin was cut. They cut him a few more times before they stopped. I dared opened my eyes. Hollie was staring lustfully at Ethan, when he asked her the same question, just worded differently.

"Do you not agree that this blade is darling, just like you?" He murmured.

"It is, but I believe..." She trailed off and held her hand out for the knife, which he gave over with out a moment's hesitation. "I think it would be even more beautiful, sheathed in her body." With that, Hollie dove forward and slammed the knife into Wednesday's stomach. He let it go and began to laugh, before they uncuffed us, doing Wednesday's last, then walking away, back up the stairs, locking us away from the world again. Wednesday immediately crumpled to the ground.

"Wednesday!" Tuesday cried and looked at me. I stared back and forth between his large, tear filled eyes and the knife that rose and fell with the girl's rapid breath.

"Do you trust me?" I asked and scooted closer to where Tuesday held his sister's head in his lap, running his hand along her fevered forehead.

"Yes." He nodded.

That was all I needed. I gripped the knife and looked at Wednesday, who appeared dead, so pale and still. "I am so sorry for this." I whispered.

Then I pulled on the handle.

-Hamlet- is going to kill me(she is the Queen-Mitchie I mentioned a couple chapters back.) Love you, babe. Anyway, made myself cry writing this. Wednesday is my baby. For those of you wondering, they come from a book where the main 7 people are the days of the week.

11-12 months, 18 months

Oh, and stay sexy

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