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I bit my tongue as he threw me into another wall, pressing against my body as he sucked my neck.

The pain was almost blinding. I tried to fight the tears, but they fell anyway. Though I prayed they would, my tears didn't go unnoticed.

"What is wrong, bay-be?" He said, detatching from where he had been marking my neck. "I ain't gonna hurt you. Just show you a good time. So wipe them tears. We don't need that here." I tried to not breath in the rank scent of beer on his breath.

I managed to stop the tears, but I felt light headed. The pain. It was immense, more than anything ever before. I was struggling.

The moment he steped back, I crumpled to the floor, unable to stand.

The man looked down at me, raising an eyebrow. He muttered something, before bending down and picking me up.

He walked over to the bed and laid me down, surprisingly gentle. Then he moved on top of me and grabbed the hem of my shirt, lifting it up to slide a hand under. His hand, cold, ran up my side.

Then he pulled the shirt up and over my head. But he made no other move, just stared at the bruises. I didn't dare risk a look. I just kept my eyes closed.

"He really did a number on you, didn't he?" He whispered and I opened my eyes in shock. He sounded so sober. As I looked at him, he gave me one small smile.

He sat back a little and then explained. "There have been reports of abuse at this house and so I have been trying to prove it. You have helped be do just that. May I take pictures? I can get you out of here. Rescue you from this."

I sat up and shook my head. Maybe he didn't know the full extent of my situation, but pictures was the worst thing that could happen. "No. No pictures." I also could take care of my self. I knew how stupid that reasoning was, but I in to much pain to think clearly. I also think that I wasn't getting enough oxygen to my head because of the way I had to breath.

"He won't know." The man tried to persuade. "No one will ever know it is you. And you will be free."

"There are things about this situation you don't know. Things that will end up with me dead." I whimpered. But despite this, he insisted.

"I promise you. Your face will be out of it." He seemed to be ignorant to the fact that they could identify people by tattoos. If anyone in the trade found out, I would be dead.

That's when I did the only thing I could.

"Help! He's a Cop! Help! He is trying to throw you in jail!" I screeched, then averted my eyes. I risked another thrashing, but it was better than me ending up dead.

There was the sound of someone stomping down the hallway. The door burst open and the man a top me skittered back from the man, who was red in the face, his eyes glittering. I closed my eyes and listened to their shouting and then the sound of the man being pulled, screaming, from the room, and eventually, it sounded like, from the house. After a few minutes, Ifinally  dared to move.

I made a beeline for the window and looked out. There was Ash and his goons, kicking in the man. Then, Ash produced a gun and cocked it, pointing it squarely at the man's face. Before I could react in anyway, he pulled the trigger and I was deafened by the sound of the gun shot.

I stumbled back to the bed, seeing the look on the man's face as he stated down the barrel of that gun, seeing the malicious smile on Ash's face, imprinted on my eyelids.

I was the reason that man was dead. I caused his death. Sure, I wasn't the one that pulled the trigger, but I called for help. I was the one that told. I might as well have just pulled that trigger.

Way to go, you fucking Cunt. There is was again, that nagging voice. You just caused someone's death, you fucking whore. God. You are so useless. All your good for is getting someone in trouble. Your complaining got a man killed. How's it feel to have blood on your hands, you slutty bitch?

I covered my ears, even though I knew that it would help with the voice. No. I wasn't getting rid of it.

"Dearie." Ash said and I immediately snapped my head in his direction, eyes down. "Very good." I froze. He gave praise. Why? I felt like something bad was about to happen.

He walked forward and looked at the bruises on my side, pressing on one area. I hissed involuntarily.

"Poor baby." He mocked, but never laid another hand on me. "You are so much trouble. I'll get in touch with Alex and tell him to find me a good paying contact." He ground out, then left, slamming the door.

Here is the next update.

Tell me honestly, do you want me to just write about all of his owners in one single(probably long) chapter, or write a chapter or two with each of the owners?

Sorry this chapter is so short. This had an actually plot, then turned into a juicy filler.

Next chapter, to give you guys time to answer, will be different.

Oh, and stay sexy.

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