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Warning: Abuse. Blood/gore
The woman smiled benevolently at me, nails still dug into my arm, but her eyes were lustful, dark.

Her husband walked behind her and kissed behind her head, murmuring something to her. She released me and turned to Alex, handing him a large wad of cash.

"That should suffice for him. We agreed on the same amount we paid for each sibling." The man, Wilford or something, said, hugging his wife.

"Take it." He ordered. "Please." At this, they both smiled.

"Come now, dearie." The woman grabbed me, thankfully, this time it was my other arm.

They pulled me to a car and pulled out jagged edged handcuffs, which they clamped on my wrists, closing them tight enough they pierced my skin and made me bleed. I cried out, then cut myself off. The man reached over and pressed them another click tighter.

Both laughed at my scream of pain this elicited. The woman climbed into the driver seat as her husband climbed in the back with me.

I tried to fight my cry of pain every time we bounced. My cheek were stained with tears and my pants were soaked with the blood that leaked out of the puncture wounds.

I managed to drift off, leaning my head against the window, thought I don't know how. The next thing I was aware of was the click of the door I leaned against. Then falling. I slammed into the ground and opened my eyes. My cheek, which had landed on the sharp gravel ground, was all scratched up. It didn't help that I had fallen on my bruises side. My head swam as I tried to reorient myself after slamming my head into the asphalt.

Struggling to breath and not cry, I laid there until the man roughly picked me up. "Get walking." He growled.

Gone was the pleasantries. No. I could see the monsters hidden under the human mask. Their faces were contorted into even scarier demons than Drake's.

Into a house, a pleasant one, with a warm feeling leaking out of everything, then it all disappeared. Down a dank stairway, they unlocked my cuffs, then shoved me to the floor of a cold cellar with faint light coming from somewhere. The door slammed shut and I heard the sound of metal scraping on metal, a lock.

I managed to get up, my hands sticky with blood that still leaked from my now open wounds. As I sat there, I heard rustling and looked up, eyes wide, heart beginning to pound in my ears.

I couldn't see anything but a dark shape in the corner, moving.

I had watched so many horror movies, and I knew that calling out ended with you dead, but I did it anyway.

"Hello?" My voice cracked. Goddamnit. I was Sevent- I stopped that train of thought. I had turned Eighteen. I knew that I had been away from my home for months, but the realization that I had missed my birthday hit me hard. A small, strained voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Hi..." The voice was so young. So childlike. "Who are you?" The form moved closer. That is when I realized it was two people in the corner, and one was coming towards me, scooting.

"I'm Mitch." I answered. "Who are you?"

"Mitch, huh? Not for long." A older, scratchier voice interrupted and the second form followed the first.

I managed to get a glimpse of the first one's face. She was no older than fourteen, with choppy short brown hair and large, dark eyes, one swollen shut. Her lip had a large cut in it, and I noticed several other wounds all over her pale skin.

I also saw the other kid. His skin was a darker shade and he had pale eyes with messy hair.

"Who are you?" I asked again.

"One and Two." The boy answered, pointing at himself then the girl.

"But our parents named us Tuesday and Wednesday." The girl spoke up, giving me a pained smile.

I puzzled over it, about to say something, when the sound of footsteps coming down the stair richocetted around the room. The two skittered back to their corner and I moved away from the door, hiding in my own corner.

The door opened and I ducked my head. Then the man spoke.

"Get over here, you stupid bitches." I moved closer, after seeing the two kids move forward. In the light, both looked even more haggard. That is when I noticed that both kids were no more than fifteen.

"Oh, honey! He hasn't had his initiation yet!" The wife chirped.

"You are right Hollie." He smiled. I saw his hand reach out to me and flinched. His hand gripped me right by the back of my neck, digging in painfully. He pulled me to my feet and marched me into another room. It was almost unbearably hot in there. They shoved me against one of the walls and chained my arms above my head, pulling a cloth over my eyes.

"One! Two!" the woman snapped. "Get your asses in here! Two. You will be the one to initiate him."

Initiate him? I furrowed my brows, unaware of anything around me.

"Ethan, my beloved, would you bare his back?" The man's big hands grabbed my collar and cut it open, leaving my scarred back exposed.

"Where do you want it, ma'am?" Wednesday spoke. I had decided, when they told me their real names, that that is what I would call them. They were Tuesd-

The thoughts were cut short as something was pressed into my shoulder blade, reaching onto my arm. I screamed, my own voice harsh on my ear. I could smell burning flesh and my skin burned. I writhed against my restraints, trying to find relief. I could find none, screaming and sobbing.

Around that pain, which was worse than a thousand knives, I felt something else. They cut open my back, in the distinct shape of a three*. I felt the blood pouring down my back. I bit my lip almost clear through, trying to stifle my cries. Around it all, I heard the gleeful laughter of Ethan and Hollie, and the underlying cries of Tuesday and Wednesday.

Finally, they opened the restraints on my arms and I fell to the ground, curling in a ball as one of them leaned close and whispered in my ear, still chuckling.

"Welcome to hell, Three."

The three was a series of
(only more angled and the ends are longer)

These people with be here for three chapters. If you have any ideas for his next owners let me know. Oh! Starting now, I will list How long he has been gone.

11 months-12 months.

Oh, and stay sexy.

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