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Please don't kill me?

This chapter was really hard to write. I almost didn't. But I felt like it should be.

Warning: Abuse and Rape...smut?[I think](seriously though. Don't kill me?)

The whole car ride the man was all handsy, his hands sliding over my zipper and down the inside of my thighs. I shuddered.

Finally we got to what I assumed was his house. I hate to admit it was a very nice house. If once could even call it that. It was a mansion. The house was massive. Plus, it seemed to have it's own personal army.

"Master Drake." A butler greeted at the door, his graying hair slicked back, his suit pressed. He watched me with cold gray eyes. "I will make accommodations for dinner then?" He asked.

"Don't be silly, Jensen. The whore will be so sore afterwards, it won't be hungry." I stated at my feet at I walked, but my hands tightened at my sides. 'It'. He called me an it.

Half way down a hallway, he stopped and shoved me against the wall, making me cry out. "Shut your mouth. You are here for nothing more than my pleasure. As such, you will not speak unless I directly order you to. And you will call me Master. You are the lowest of the low in this house, and any report of bad behavior and you. Will. Be. Punished. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, master." I muttered, looking at the man straight in the face. He slapped me. Harder than Alex or Scott, or even Ben, had.

"And another thing. You will never look anyone in the eye. That would make you seen like their equal." He snarled and stepped back. Then his hand wrapped tightly around my upper arm and he pushed me down the hall and into a room. It wasn't too shabby of a room. As he shoved me in, I risked a look. His face was a twisted mask. He shut and locked the door, turning to smile at me, through it was a cruel smile.

I stood there, all the while, watching him, shaking. I had never known fear until now.

He moved over to me and laid a soft hand on my cheek, cooing. "Is the little whore scared?" His cooing turned to sneering and I just stared at my feet. I knew, somehow, that he would kill me, and enjoy every second of it.

His hand went to the shirt Nicole stuck me in, tugging at it, then whispering in my ear. "You are asking for this, wearing clothes like this, you fucking slut."

Somehow, I managed to get a single, strangle word past my lips.

"N-no." Tears streamed down my face, smearing my makeup.

He back-handed me, making me fall to the ground. "You remember what I told you?" He snarled. Gone was the pleasant faced man who had bought me. "Now shut up."

The shirt must have been made for this purpose because it came away with very little pull from the man. He growled and tossed it aside, ordering my to my feet.

I stood slowly, my legs feeling like jelly under me as I stood before him, shirtless, relying on the thin band of shorts to cover me. He stepped towards me, making me back up, then he shove me viciously. I fell back into a bed and he climbed on top of me, straddling my hips. He leaned in and kissed my unyielding lips.

He drew back, but occupied himself with me in another way. He shifted back and ran his hands on the outsides of my thighs, slipping them into my shorts. I tried to get him off, tried to stop this, but he was bigger than I was. He drew his hands back and snarled.

"Fine. You want it the hard way?" He climbed off of me and ordered me to follow. I did as told, stumbling after him, feeling disgusting. It felt like where ever he had touched me, he left tar. He lead me through the house, like he was parading me, a shirtless, scared seventeen year old toy, for all his employees to see.

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