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Two days ago
Scott's P.O.V
I yawned, stretching out my spine. Opening my eyes, I looked at the dirty alley way I inhabited. It was shabby and dirty, but for now, it was the best I had. That is, until I got a new assignment from Alex.

I signed and sat up. It was early in the morning. I never managed to sleep in late. If I did, that could end badly. It is bad enough living on the streets, but when people know you worked for someone like the man I worked for, they don't let you off too easy if you are vulnerable.

I looked around for the small bag I kept with me. Finding it, I pulled one strap over my shoulder and got to my feet. I looked down at my ratty clothes and chuckled momentarily to myself. I was so dirty, I actually had a tan now. That was a first.

"Good morning." A voice said from behind me and I turned, rolling my eyes.

"Good morning my ass." I retorted, narrowing my eyes at the speaker.

"Well, I have news." He continued, simply chuckling at my reply. No good or bad was added and I didn't ask. It was never good, and it was never bad, entirely.

"Who is it now?" There was only one thing that Ben would be here for, especially with news. I was being recruited.

"A beautiful specimen. Name is Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi." He said and pulled up a picture of a lovely boy with a single dark eye visible behind the slim, leopard print clad arm on his phone.

"Beautiful indeed." I nodded in agreement. "But isn't it pointless to collect if they are not the desired sexuality?" I questioned. Usually, when they collected, they were straight. I knew, just from this picture, that my spine was straighter than he is.

"Oh, yes, that we made sure of when he picked him. Gay as hell." Ben laughed and looked at the picture. "I wouldn't mind tapping that ass of his."

"I can't believe you just said that." I groaned and put my head in my hands. "Now get out of here."

"Alex will be by later to give you the full assignment. Plus some." He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively and walked away, putting the phone back in his pocket.
As promised, hours later, a tall form entered into the darkening alley shadows. He help up a folder, his whole profile little more than shadows.

"Alex." I greeted and got at once again to my feet. He tossed the folder down at my feet and pushed me against was well behind me. My hands wound around his waist. "Been a while, Allie." I leaned forward and whispered in his ear.

His hands gripped the front of my shirt. "Shut up and kiss me." He said, turning his head and capturing my mouth with his. Kissing him wasn't not all that bad. He was a good kisser, but the reason why was probably not something I wanted to know.

He broke away first, but not before nipping my lip. "Read over that. It has all the information you need in your assignment. We will meet at the designated place and and figure out a way to notify that he is on his way. We will have to beat you up. He is a very helpful personality. So try to get him to help you." He said, sounding almost apologetic about having to beat me up. I highly doubted he was completely sorry about it. "And don't fail this, Hoying."

"Sure you are. I'll see you there." I said, my fingers hooked on his belt loops. When he tried to pull away, I yanked him back. "Not getting away that easy." I smiled.

I felt his hands slide under the hen of my T-shirt and up my stomach. He just smiled back at me, pecked my lips, and unhooked himself. "See you later, beautiful." With that, he disappeared and left me alone in the alley with the folder. Picking it up, I walked to the alley opening.

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