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Early on A/N. I know, unheard of. Anyway. Until further notice, I will be suspending all Points of view except Mitch's(And possibly Scott's, but no promises) So, thought I would just inform you of that now.

I had never slept so poorly before. I was up all night, seeing that man's hungry face looking over my body, his harsh features every time I closed my eyes.

As morning light began to seep into the cellar closet through the small window, my door burst open. It was Scott.

"Come. Time for you to go." He growled. I stood up and did as directed. I was still in the clothes I wore for the conference last night. "These won't do." He decided. I highly doubted Alex cared. So why did Scott? He seemed like Alex's perfect little lap dog, always willing to do as the other blonde said.

But I kept my mouth shut until we reached a door, knocked, and Nicole opened up.

"Why the hell am I back here? Not that I don't enjoy your company, Nicole, but you know..." I asked stepping away from Scott shoving his hand away.

"Do not start this, boy." He growled, stepping forward, Nicole watching boredly. "Not when you are so close to meeting your new partner."

"Ha! Have you ever known how it feels to stand there, watching people decide your fate, knowing your family has no idea where you went, or if you are safe." I snarled at him. "My best friend warned. And yet, she will never know just what happened to me."

He slapped me, anger glowing in his eyes. What the fuck did these people see in slapping? They did it constantly. Immediately after, his had closed around my throat, gripping it tightly.

Around the blockage in my throat, I snarled at him, lifting a lip. I am not still entirely sure what else happened, other than the hand on my throat retracted, something connected with my eye and me opening my eyes, or eye, rather, and found Nicole leaning over me, laying no heed to me as she yelled at Scott.

"Now he has a fucking black eye. Way to go! You are such a damn idiot." She pushed him. "Go away. Come and get him when the Client actually arrives. I will try to hide the black eye."

She then leaned back over me and helped me to my feet, steadying me as I stumbled.

"Come now, child. Let's get some ice on that and clean you up." She walked me into the room, then shut and locked the door.

"You poor thing. But mouthing off to them is not helping your situation." She turned her back to me as she buried herself. Then she turned back. It was a small mask like thing with little water beads.

"Orbees." I claimed as she handed it to me.

"Close. This is the closest to an ice pack I have." She shrugged and handed it to me.

I pressed it to my eye with a hiss of pain. "Damn. He has a solid swing." I grumbled.

"Trust me. His are nothing compared to Alex's. And even Troyler's. Oh." She stopped and chuckled. "I forget. You don't know who Troyler is. It's the name we have started to call Troye and Tyler. Those two are dangerous."

I laughed bitterly. "Yeah. I know. You've seen my back. Troye did that." She sighed and walked to a conjoining door. She opened it. It was that bathroom.

"Come on. Clothes. You need some new ones."

This time, she stuck me in the sluttiest clothes I think she could find. It was a black tube top, with tassels hanging down to brush my stomach, and a pair of low riding shorty shorts, my v-line quite visible.

"Now you are ready." She decided and when I gave her a look, then glanced at my clothes, holding my arms out in question.

"The smaller the clothing is, the better for you in the long run." She stated. "And Drake wanted you to wear these."

"Do I really have to go without underwear?" I interrogated.

"Trust me. The only underwear I have that would fit somewhat under something that short are women's, and they would not provide support." She said. "Now, let's see what we can do about that bruise on your face."

Again, I sat through her dabbing make up all over my face. I didn't mind it much. I actually really liked how I looked in make up. It was interesting. In my head, I sang to myself.

I feel pretty. Oh so pretty. I am unsure of exactly where I learned that song. All I knew was that I knew it. And it was constantly in my head. No matter how long it had been since I thought of it.

"There." She said, finally finished with me. I took the mirror and couldn't help my reaction.

"Damn!" I examined myself closer. It's like I had never even had the bruise. "Damn." I said again. It was the only word that expressed my feelings on the current subject.

There was and insistent pounding at the door.

"Nicole! Send the little whore out. The client will be here soon. And Alex wants to run through some last few things with the cargo first." It was Scott. Thank god. I feared he would send Ben. And I wouldn't have survived that.

"My name is not 'the Cargo'." I muttered angrily under my breath. "It's Mitch."

"Yeah, yeah." Nicolce called back and looked at me, her eyes sad. "I wish you the best of luck. Just don't mouth off or question and you should do just fine. You have a pretty face, which will get you far. People won't want to damage you too bad."

I nodded, giving her a quick hug and thanking her for all she has done, then braved the horrors beyond and opened the door.

There was Scott, leaning back against the wall, a pair of cuffs in his hand. "Alex wants you to wear these." He didn't spare me a glance, just scoffed and the shake of his head and something about Nicole trying to tease the men.

As we arrived at our destination, Scott strapped the cuffs around my wrists, holding them in front of me. Then he pushed me out of the house. He walked over to join Alex who stood on the porch.

"Ah. Here the cargo is." Alex. I hated him with a passion.

I glared at the blonds as they both studied me, side by side, hazel and blue eyes running over my exposed flesh. "You know what they say. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. And you...you are beautiful." Somehow, I knew that wasn't a compliment I wanted.

"Remind me to pay Nicole extra. She made this cargo extremely enticing." He walked forward and tapped my chin until I looked up at him. "You will be a good little fucktoy. I don't want to have to tell my client that there are no refunds, then have to buy you back to keep my business going. Because, trust me, boy. You will not like the consequences." He snaked and hand into my shorts and I stiffened, forcing down the urge to throw up. Before Alex could do anything else, a car drove up, tires crunching on the dirt.

The car stopped and doors opened. At last, that same ginger haired man stepped out of the car and walked over.

"Hello, Mitchell."

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