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Two months. That is all the longer I was with Drake. In that time, though, I saw how ruthless he was. The moment my back had healed again, he cut four long stripes in my back, from my shoulder blades to my hips, two on each side of my spine.

I saw him smack Maid into the wall, saw the scar on her face, given to her by Drake.

Only aloud, around everyone but Maid, I called him The Master. But the moment it was just us, or in my head, it was Drake. He didn't deserve the respect that 'The Master' title gave him. So I didn't give it to him.

There were other horrors he did to me. He forced me to cut, let my hair grow unruly, and fucked anywhere he felt like it. Even in the Living room where they all could have watched. It was demeaning, and I knew, knew he was doing all this with one purpose in mind.

Break my spirit.

He succeeded, just before he sold me to someone else. But before I could go to this new owner, I had to go to the middle man. Alex.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the little whore. Drake told me you serve a good time. I may have to take him up on that." Alex walked forward and hugged me, resting his hands on my ass. I didn't fight, just stood there, head bowed, eyes shut tight.

"Are you a good boy?" He asked and I replied meekly.

"Only if you deem me so, Sir. I am nothing but I lowly slut. I cannot rightly answer a question only higher people may ask and answer."

"Damn. Drake was a good choice. He broke you quickly. I bet you will love out new client. He is willing to still pay a lot for you, even though you are no longer a virgin. Drake told me you were such a good bottom. Now look at me." He tapped my chin and I froze.

Drake said I was not allowed to deny a request, but he also said I was not allowed to look at anyone.

"Disobedient. Care to explain why?" His voice took on an edge as his grip on my ass tightened.

"Well, The Master told me that I am unallowed to look others in the eye, but he also told me to listen to orders, sir. I guess, if I may, that I was torn between two rules, sir." I hated it, but I had to escape punishment. I could only imagine what other horrors these men had in store as far as punishments went.

What about my new owners. It was inevitable. I wasn't going to be getting out. Not unless I died.

"Ah. Well , Drake owns you no more. And I say, you will do as I say, which means look me in the eye, unless I have otherwise instructed you to do so. Understand? Oh, and I am Master to you."

"I understand your rules, Master." I looked up at him and he smiled.

"I would bang you around, but I will reserve that right for your new owners." He decided.

"Yes, Master. Thank you, Master." I submitted.

"Damn. Such a good little whore. So submissive. I wonder if there are things you won't do? Well, are there?"

"No, Master. I am only here to please. Which means, master, doing as I am told, even if it is painful." I replied sweetly.

"I can definitely see why you are so wanted." He said. "Probably a good time in bed. Which will be good for your new Owners."

They locked me in a room for two days, my only human interaction was when they gave me food. Finally the day came and I was handed over to that same red haired woman. Nicole, I think she said her name was.

She made me beautiful, but put me in some more modest clothes, including a tank top.

Then, like last time, I was lead to the front of the house by Scott.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. I was a expecting a sleezebag with lots of money, like Drake, but these men were dressed in everyday clothes and looked me over once before nodding and motioning to the car, ordering I climb in.

As they paid, I did as instructed, sitting in the middle, making my self as small as I could.

"He should definitely boost our collection. I mean, look at him." One of the two said as they climbed in.

One was a brown haired man with darker skin and an obviously Latino accent. The other man sounded...British almost. He had sandy blonde hair and a heterochromatic eyes, one blue, the other half brown, half blue. I couldn't help but state at him, taking in the broad shape of his jaw and shoulders.

The ride was silent. As the car began to move, I dropped my gaze to my lap. I couldn't believe that these men were keeping their hands to themselves. I sat there, tense, expecting one of them to try something, but they were respectful, almost, of me, talking to each other over quietly, careful to keep their hands to themselves.

We pulled up to the back of a building and both climbed out, the one to my left, the Latino, holding out a hand to me.

I took it cautiously, and he helped me from the car.

"You are definitely a sight to behold. Let's get you cleaned up and fix hour hair and make sure you are stubble free." He said and traipsed around the car, holding me on his arm like a trophy.

"The girls will absolutely love you. As will our customers. Let's just hope you are quick to pick up on dance moves." The other man said, walking up to join us. "And that you can do it in a wig."

"Sirs?" I asked softly, looking at my feet as we walked closer to a door with a well built man standing in front of it.

"Yea, precious?" the Blonde man asked.

"If a lowly creature such as I may be so bold, what is this place?" I inquired.

"Ah. Welcome to the only Drag Queen Club in town, the Jade Ecstasy." They waved with a flourish of their hands. "Go meet the others."

So, time to welcome Lulu. I will try to keep it as accurate as possible with this stuff as I can, but no real promises.

Oh, and stay sexy

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